Nothing is Wasted

For the past several weeks, we’ve been in a series at church where we’ve looked at different prophets, priests, and kings in the Bible. One of my favorite kings, and probably one of many people's favorites, is King David.

There is just something about David that draws me in, and I think it’s because he seems normal in so many ways. Sometimes reading the Psalms, many of which David wrote, feels like looking in a mirror. It’s like he is on a journey and processing it all out loud for us to hear.

Recently, I was reading one of my favorite Psalms, Psalm 27. This time, when I was reading it, something stood out to me that hadn’t before.

“Hear me as I pray, O Lord. Be merciful and answer me!” My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.” - Psalm 27:7-8
When I was reading this, the sentence, “My heart has heard you say, ‘Come and talk with me,’” is one that I couldn’t shake, and I have been thinking about it for days.

The reason I love reading the Psalms is mainly because I see David’s struggles. I see him wrestling with fear, anxiety, and the pressures of life. I see that he has things going on in his life, and it helps me see that it’s okay to be on a journey and not just at a destination.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes life just gets complicated. Sometimes following Jesus feels more complicated than it probably should. I believe the reason that this verse has been burning in my heart lately is because God is calling me back to the simplicity of what being His son is all about.

David is talking about all these different things and praying for the Lord to protect him, and the response that we see from the Father is, “Come and talk with me.”

Recently, I heard a quote that is shaping how I view the things I am going through. A pastor I was listening to said, “Oftentimes, while we are looking for direction, He is looking for affection.”

What if all the times when we were looking for direction and answers, God was using it as a way to just draw us close to Him? What if all the time that David was seeking the Lord’s protection and direction, God was using it to get what He wanted most… David’s heart and time?

God is not creating chaos in our lives (James 1:17). But what if He is using every season to get close to you? How would it change how we view the good and the hard seasons?

  • Is there something that is going on in my life that God wants to use to draw me close to Him?
  • Am I okay with God’s answer being “wait” or “be patient,” if it results in me being close to Him?
  • Do I desire His direction more than His affection?

  • Read Psalm 27 as a prayer from you to the Father.
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Lauren Kennedy - August 19th, 2024 at 8:23am

That quote 🔥 So good, Tyler!

Ben Creasman - August 19th, 2024 at 8:34am

Good stuff

Angela Cline - August 20th, 2024 at 5:35am

Good word!! Psalm 27 is 🔥🔥