During each service, children (6 weeks through 5th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way.
Opendoor Kids is offered during all of our Weekend Services, and we would love to see you and your family visit Opendoor Kids this weekend. Join the fun and experience a world where kids meet Jesus on their level!
Opendoor Kids is offered during all of our Weekend Services, and we would love to see you and your family visit Opendoor Kids this weekend. Join the fun and experience a world where kids meet Jesus on their level!

Opendoor Youth is for students in grades 6-12 and exists to reach students with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ that they might know God, find freedom, discover purpose, and make a difference.

We know that this season of life is challenging, and far too often, it can feel like you are alone. We were never meant to do life alone.
At Opendoor Young Adults, Thursday Nights are all about getting and staying connected. This is a casual gathering of people, ages 18-28 in similar seasons of life, directly following our 1st & 3rd Thursday Night Worship services.
At Opendoor Young Adults, Thursday Nights are all about getting and staying connected. This is a casual gathering of people, ages 18-28 in similar seasons of life, directly following our 1st & 3rd Thursday Night Worship services.

Opendoor Women is for all women ages 13+ and exists to reach women with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ that they might know God, find freedom, discover purpose, and make a difference.
Opendoor Women is a Small Group ministry of Opendoor Church with groups meeting all across the area with monthly services where ALL women from every season and stage of life can connect and worship together.
Opendoor Women is a Small Group ministry of Opendoor Church with groups meeting all across the area with monthly services where ALL women from every season and stage of life can connect and worship together.

Opendoor Men exists to reach men with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ that they might know God, find freedom, discover purpose, and make a difference.
Opendoor Men is a Small Group ministry of Opendoor Church with groups meeting all across the area.
Opendoor Men is a Small Group ministry of Opendoor Church with groups meeting all across the area.

From the very beginning, God demonstrates His value of marriage and family. We affirm God’s honor of marriage and family and desire to help you find God’s purpose for your relationship. Because these relationships are a part of God’s design, we have tools that will help you navigate your relationships.
Whether you are thinking about getting married, building your marriage and family, or walking through a difficult place, there is a plan just for you.
Whether you are thinking about getting married, building your marriage and family, or walking through a difficult place, there is a plan just for you.