opendoor women

Welcome to Opendoor women. We are so happy to have you here.

Regardless of your age, stage, or season, there is a place for you to connect, grow, and be renewed here at Opendoor.

As women, we find strength and empowerment in the community; and when we bring our stories, gifts, and even our differences to the table, God can use them to encourage others.

There are several ways women can find community and get connected.

Small Groups

If you are 18 and older, Women’s Small Groups are a great place to start, and we are adding new groups all the time.
If God has given you the desire to lead a group, we’d love to share next steps with you.

Check out our Small Group Directory or contact to find out more. 


Maybe you are in a busy season and need encouragement at work, home, or on-the-go. The Renew Women’s Podcast is a valuable resource where you can find relatable stories, tools, and godly wisdom for women of all ages.

It can be found on any platform and enjoyed at your convenience.


Maybe you have a desire to help and encourage other women. We have outreach opportunities to serve, love, and support some of our local Small Group ministries.  

Embrace grace

Embrace Grace is a small group support group for single pregnant women. This group will offer women spiritual, emotional, and physical support during their pregnancy. The primary goal of Embrace Grace is to empower the church to be a safe and non-judgmental place for these young women to run to when they find out they are pregnant, instead of the last place they are welcomed because of shame and guilt.

It is a 12-week program that teaches them about God’s love and grace, and at the end, we will give them a baby shower to honor them for choosing life and to help provide for their baby’s needs.

If you’d like to get involved to support this ministry, here are a few practical ways that you can help:

Donate Items
Donate items that will be given to the expectant moms participating in Embrace Grace through an Amazon Wish List. All donations will be shipped to Opendoor Church and will be given to the moms at their baby shower.
Provide a Meal
Provide a meal for the moms and leaders at an Embrace Grace meeting. You can see the details for this here.
Join the Volunteer Team
If you’d like to sign up to be a part of the Embrace Grace Volunteer Team, fill out this form and the leader will add you to the email list to keep you up to date on upcoming events.
Volunteer for the Baby Shower
Volunteer for the Baby Shower on 11/3/24 - Sign up here

We have numerous ways to get involved, build relationships, and grow in your walk with God, and we can’t wait to begin this journey with you. For more information, contact us at