Opendoor Youth is for students in grades 6-12 and exists to reach students with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ that they might know God, find freedom, discover purpose, and make a difference.

We are called to raise up a generation that boldly shares their experiences in the presence of God; and to achieve this, we are creating spaces where they discover their true identity and have transformative encounters with the Holy Spirit that forever mark them.



Middle school students need places to begin discovering their faith and beliefs, to have fun, to create connections with friends who share common beliefs, and to receive solid teaching on foundational truths.
Bi-Weekly Gatherings: We will meet twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm during the school year. During this time, we will take them through teachings focused on discovering their faith along with fun hang-out environments, games, and ways to build relationships with leaders.

Fun/Relational Gatherings: At these gatherings, we will focus on having fun and building deeper relationships with students. 

Youth Nights: While large gatherings are still important, moving forward, we will offer these less frequently so that our focus can remain on Middle School students discovering their faith. For the larger gatherings, we are planning Youth Nights. These nights will be for middle school and high school students to come together for fun, worship, Biblical teaching, and food. 
Camp is essential for our Middle Schoolers to be part of. There is something special that happens when students get away for a week and focus on their relationship with God.

Camp creates a way for students to encounter God’s presence without distraction, and we believe the presence of God changes us forever. Starting this in middle school is so pivotal, as students' beliefs about God and themselves are being formed during these years.



High school students need intentional relationships, places to discuss their faith, encounters with the Holy Spirit, and opportunities to develop leadership skills. For High School Students, we focus on these aspects of life with Jesus, and this will help them recognize and prepare to fulfill the call on their lives and reach others for Christ.
This is the primary focus of high school ministry. Groups are a place where students are seen and heard, where they have a place to discuss their faith, and are able to develop accountability and deeper relationships with each other and their leaders. Groups will be built around students’ friends and schools.

Groups will meet twice a month on the 1st and 3rd weeks, during the school year.

Click here to see current High School Small Groups
Youth Nights:  These nights will be for middle school and high school students to come together for fun, worship, Biblical teaching, and food.

Small Group Gatherings: These nights will be for our High School Small Groups to come together for worship, relationship, and fun.
Camp (Summer): There is something special about getting away from the norm and setting aside time to encounter God. Camp has been a hallmark of our ministry for over a decade.

Leadership Retreat (Spring): To continue building on what students experience at camp we want to add shorter retreats during the year. This retreat will be focused on developing the leadership abilities within our students, helping them see and understand the mission God has given them and life beyond themselves.

Spiritual/Experience Weekend Retreat (Fall): This retreat will be focused on a deeper dive into the Word and encountering the Holy Spirit. Getting away allows us to put our focus on God and what He is speaking. We want to create moments throughout the year where students can be in God’s presence. We’ve seen that retreats really help develop more meaningful relationships with students and leaders.


Opendoor Youth Camp is a five-day trip for middle and high school students (for those students who have completed grades 6-12) dedicated to teaching and training them to step into the calling of God on their lives.

Throughout the week, students will learn about and experience God through sessions led by speakers from Opendoor and through worship led by our Opendoor Worship Team.

Students will also get to be a part of groups led by trained counselors where they can share and talk about what God is teaching them.