A Worthy Counselor

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever. He is the Spirit of truth. The world is unable to receive him because it doesn’t see him or know him. But you do know him, because he remains with you and will be in you…But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.” - John 14:16-17, 26 CSB
Who is your go-to for advice? Is it a friend, family member, or mentor? I have regularly frequented a counselor’s office for some time now. When I first began the process, there were several things I knew I needed in a therapist in order for this whole journey-towards-healing to actually work. Naturally Type-A, my list was extensive, but an absolute, non-negotiable for me was that I knew I needed someone I could trust. I tend to gauge trust by the measure of which honesty and safety can co-exist. Very plainly, I needed to know that I could be completely open and vulnerable with someone without the fear of shame or condemnation; in return, they would be straightforward and honest with me.
JOURNAL: What do you value in someone who is giving you advice?
It would have been of no benefit to me if, at the end of my many hours of working through fears, failures, and disappointments, my counselor looked at me and said, “You’re fine. It’s fine. Everything is great.”
Wise counsel and truth go hand-in-hand. We can’t have one without the other. I needed someone with a trained eye to help me see beyond myself and to see the truth in the people, places, and situations that had shaped my life thus far. I needed correction, encouragement, and guidance. We all do.
My counselor has been an incredible gift to me, but she is just one source of wisdom and truth. The truly life-changing moments of healing and transformation that I have experienced have come from revelation through the Holy Spirit - The Spirit of Counsel (Isaiah 11:2) and The Spirit of Truth (John 14:17). Things that would have taken me years to unpack through a strand of 50-minute sessions have been undone and made new within a moment in His presence.
ACTIVATION: Make a list of a few areas or situations in your life where you need supernatural truth and wisdom.
The Holy Spirit is our ever-present help. He has the complete knowledge of time - past, present, and future, and yet He exists with us right here in this very moment. Unlike a counselor or trusted friend, he is always there, always available.
When we are lacking strength, He provides.
When we need direction, He orders our steps.
When anxiety rises and fears begin to swell, He comforts.
When we forget the truth and promises of His Word, He reminds.
He is our Worthy Counselor.
PRAYER ROMPT: Write a prayer of gratitude for the gift of the Holy Spirit and invite Him to speak truth and wisdom into each and every area of your life.
Who is your go-to for advice? Is it a friend, family member, or mentor? I have regularly frequented a counselor’s office for some time now. When I first began the process, there were several things I knew I needed in a therapist in order for this whole journey-towards-healing to actually work. Naturally Type-A, my list was extensive, but an absolute, non-negotiable for me was that I knew I needed someone I could trust. I tend to gauge trust by the measure of which honesty and safety can co-exist. Very plainly, I needed to know that I could be completely open and vulnerable with someone without the fear of shame or condemnation; in return, they would be straightforward and honest with me.
JOURNAL: What do you value in someone who is giving you advice?
It would have been of no benefit to me if, at the end of my many hours of working through fears, failures, and disappointments, my counselor looked at me and said, “You’re fine. It’s fine. Everything is great.”
Wise counsel and truth go hand-in-hand. We can’t have one without the other. I needed someone with a trained eye to help me see beyond myself and to see the truth in the people, places, and situations that had shaped my life thus far. I needed correction, encouragement, and guidance. We all do.
My counselor has been an incredible gift to me, but she is just one source of wisdom and truth. The truly life-changing moments of healing and transformation that I have experienced have come from revelation through the Holy Spirit - The Spirit of Counsel (Isaiah 11:2) and The Spirit of Truth (John 14:17). Things that would have taken me years to unpack through a strand of 50-minute sessions have been undone and made new within a moment in His presence.
ACTIVATION: Make a list of a few areas or situations in your life where you need supernatural truth and wisdom.
The Holy Spirit is our ever-present help. He has the complete knowledge of time - past, present, and future, and yet He exists with us right here in this very moment. Unlike a counselor or trusted friend, he is always there, always available.
When we are lacking strength, He provides.
When we need direction, He orders our steps.
When anxiety rises and fears begin to swell, He comforts.
When we forget the truth and promises of His Word, He reminds.
He is our Worthy Counselor.
PRAYER ROMPT: Write a prayer of gratitude for the gift of the Holy Spirit and invite Him to speak truth and wisdom into each and every area of your life.
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