Posts with the category “devotional”

Same Old, Same Old
by Mike Adkins on July 29th, 2024
By Pastor Mike Adkins: John The Baptist's life was lived preparing for something he would never see completed. This oddly scares and excites me, but don’t ask me why.  Read More
Three in One and All We Need
by Ashley Piner on July 26th, 2024
By Guest Author | Ashley Piner: As a teacher, I’ve heard the term “lifelong learner” numerous times. I love the idea of continually learning new information and being able to apply it to my life or to help others.  Read More
Remember Who He Is
by Meghen Haggard on July 24th, 2024
By Meghen Haggard: How often are we quick to forget the truths about who God is? Not long ago, I was sitting among friends feeling very defeated and discouraged when one friend asked the group what God had been showing us through His Word and in our lives.  Read More
Waiting Expectantly
by Christy Hubbard on July 22nd, 2024
After trying to get pregnant for eight years, my husband and I conceived our second daughter, Annalee. As with most expecting parents, we spent a great deal of time discussing name ideas, researching meanings, and praying that God would lead us to the perfect name for our child.  Read More
by Megan Wamer on July 19th, 2024
By Guest Author | Megan Wamer: Every summer, I’m home on break from teaching. For me, this is when life slows down, and I can pay more attention to things around the home. Because we are outside a lot during the summer, I am usually trying to make sure the landscaping looks “better.”  Read More
A Quiet Place
by Scott Conner on July 17th, 2024
By Pastor Scott Conner: This week has been extremely noisy for me. A little over a week ago, we woke up to a leak in our upstairs bathroom. Water had seeped into the floors and walls, causing a lot of damage to a first floor hallway and into the garage.   Read More
The Armor of God
by Joy Kimbril on July 15th, 2024
By Joy Kimbril: I can’t count the number of times I have heard a message about the armor of God; but as I was reading this passage the other day in my quiet time, I feel like the emphasis has been placed on the pieces of armor and not necessarily what they represent.   Read More
What's Watering Your Root System?
by Megan Wamer on July 12th, 2024
by Guest Author | Megan Wamer: Recently, I was a counselor at Opendoor Youth Camp, where the theme of our week was based on verses in Jeremiah. Much of what I want to share in this devotional with you comes from the speakers that week and notes I took.  Read More
Strength in Vulnerability
by Miranda Braden on July 10th, 2024
By Miranda Braden: Nehemiah was afraid to appear sad in the presence of the king because cup-bearers were supposed to hide their emotions for the king's sake. To violate this was punishable by death.  Read More
Position Does Not Equal Identity
by Elliotte Pearson on July 8th, 2024
By Elliotte Pearson (Elder): Recently I was out playing disc golf, an activity where I can enjoy some time with the Lord to talk through many things, when I felt like the Holy Spirit whispered a statement to me. He said, “Your position does not outweigh your function.”  Read More
Trust Me, I've Got This
by Jake Haggard on July 5th, 2024
OYC Devotional | Trust is a weird thing. From the moment we are born, we are actually forced to trust. A baby has no choice but to trust. Their entire existence is dependent on others taking care of them. They must be fed, held, put to sleep, and changed, because they do not have the ability to do it themselves.  Read More
Big Things Have Small Beginnings
by Jake Haggard on July 3rd, 2024
OYC Devotional | Have you ever thought about trees? Probably not. That’s weird, right? (No offense intended to anyone who loves trees and thinks about them often.) Trees fascinate me. I love being in nature. Gazing up at towering trees truly takes my breath away. In California, there are trees so large you can literally drive a car through it.   Read More
Growth is Difficult
by Jake Haggard on July 1st, 2024
OYC Devotional | When I was a kid, I remember thinking that all I wanted to do was grow up. I was the youngest of four siblings, and I would constantly look at them and see all the cool things they were able to do just because they were older.   Read More
Warring Worship
by Theresa Golden on June 28th, 2024
By Theresa Golden: When we look around at the world today, we see evidence of war, not just the physical war that rages on foreign land but a spiritual war right here on our doorstep. This war wages against our culture, our families, our marriages, and our church. It threatens our children, our finances, even our minds. We have a responsibility not only to fight back but to wage war against the oppressor ourselves.  Read More
Get Honest
by Mary Beth Barefoot on June 26th, 2024
By Mary Beth Barefoot: What does it look like to be fully honest with God? Over the last few weeks, I’ve been reading and journeying through the book of 1 Samuel. This book is one that I’ve loved reading over the years because it’s chock-full of stories of hope, restoration, and miracles.   Read More
by Whitney Bailey on June 24th, 2024
By Whitney Bailey: “Choices.” It was my only response. No second guessing but innate. It was the response I gave on a phone call I received from my dad. Upon answering, my dad went straight to the point, “What is my favorite word?”   Read More
The Hard Thing
by Nikki Bailey on June 21st, 2024
By Pastor Nikki Bailey: Conflict is inevitable. It’s always there, prowling, ready to divide and destroy relationships. Whether at home with a spouse or kids, the workplace, church, nations, or with a close friend, it will rear its ugly head, and how we deal with it will always show the condition of our heart.  Read More
Intimacy with God
by Steve Miller on June 19th, 2024
By Steve Miller: King David was known as “a man after God’s own heart.” I remember the first time I heard him described in this way; it was so inspirational to me. I wanted to be known like that too. I started asking myself, “How do I become a man after God’s own heart?” I had no clue! I prayed, “God, I want to be a man after Your heart. I don’t want to chase after anybody else’s heart other than Yours.”   Read More
Chosen by the Father
by Tyler Braden on June 17th, 2024
By Pastor Tyler Braden: Father's Day brings a lot of emotions for me. Every year around this time, I can’t help but think about my story and my journey of discovering who my father was.  Read More
The Perfect Love of the Father
by Aaron Kennedy on June 14th, 2024
By Pastor Aaron Kennedy: Summertime is here, and with that comes new schedules for my boys and family, not nearly the hectic mornings that normally happen. As we approached summer this year, my oldest son Wes asked to begin working out with me. Honestly, I was a little shocked by the request.   Read More
Will You Worship In Your Wilderness?
by Ashley Piner on June 12th, 2024
By Guest Author | Ashley Piner: Has there been a time in your life that just felt like a huge mess? In these moments, life may feel turned upside down; and no matter what you try to do, it will just not turn around.   Read More
The Spirit of Truth
by Elliotte Pearson on June 10th, 2024
By Elliotte Pearson (Elder): Have you ever been on a trip and decided to take a guided tour? You know, one of these tours with a person that tells you Information about the location you are visiting.   Read More
The Best Investment
by Rachael Wynne on June 7th, 2024
By Rachael Wynne: The friendship we are privileged to have with Holy Spirit is so sweet. We have the honor of having a 24/7 best friend who is always for us and can help us walk through life. Just like any friendship, a relationship with Holy Spirit takes nurturing. We must invest in our relationship in order to strengthen it. Jesus sent us The Helper in order to empower us to live this life in a way that gives glory to God. So how do we invest in this friendship?   Read More
The Invitation
by Theresa Golden on June 5th, 2024
By Theresa Golden: Before I spoke a word, You were singing over me You have been so, so good to me Before I took a breath, You breathed Your life in me You have been so so kind to me  Read More
Never Alone
by Jake Haggard on June 3rd, 2024
By Jake Haggard: Life is hard. Why does it seem like there is always something that is about to go wrong? Pain seems to hide around every corner of our calendar-driven life.   Read More
It Only Takes A Spark
by Ashley Piner on May 31st, 2024
By Guest Author | Ashley Piner: Have you ever felt the Holy Spirit's presence so profoundly in your life that you sensed Him with every fiber of your being? One of the first times I experienced the Holy Spirit's power this intensely was one summer at my church youth camp around the bonfire.   Read More
Vision and the Holy Spirit
by Scott Conner on May 29th, 2024
By Pastor Scott Conner: By now you have heard the news that Opendoor Church is buying the Immanuel Baptist Church property in Greenville so that we can develop another campus. This is going to allow us to expand the spiritual footprint we can imprint on the land that God has placed before us.   Read More
Trust and Obey
by Pate Leigh on May 27th, 2024
By Pate Leigh: Obeying a prompt from the Holy Spirit can be one of the most difficult yet important things we can do in our spiritual life. There have been so many times in my life where I felt prompted to act on something.  Read More
Walk with the Spirit
by Megan Wamer on May 24th, 2024
By Guest Author | Megan Wamer: On the way to school each morning, I pray with my daughter over our day. One thing I pray is that we would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, that we would only say or do what the Holy Spirit would have us say or do.   Read More
Seeing Their Faith
by Elliotte Pearson on May 22nd, 2024
By Elliotte Pearson | Elder: I am always amazed when the Holy Spirit brings fresh revelation to a scripture I have read so many times. Jesus, in Mark Chapter 2, is ministering to people in a house, and some men are trying to get their friend in to see Jesus.   Read More
The Gentleman, The Holy Spirit
by Miranda Braden on May 20th, 2024
By Miranda Braden: What do you wish you had learned about the Holy Spirit when you were young? Maybe it is just an attribute that you really wish you could have embraced when you were a child, or even in your twenties.  Read More
Holy Spirit, The Helper
by Mike Adkins on May 17th, 2024
By Pastor Mike Adkins: When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. - John 16:13  Read More
Redeemed Through Community
by Miranda Braden on May 15th, 2024
By Miranda Braden: How do I keep it together when it feels like everything around me is falling apart? Scripture doesn't really go into the specifics on what Ruth was really longing for in her journey with Naomi. It could have been a husband, a baby, or just being able to feed her family from day to day.   Read More
I Know My Redeemer Lives
by Anita Harrison on May 13th, 2024
By Guest Author | Anita Harrison: It may be because I’m older, or it may be because I see so many people who are hurting. But as we’ve gone through the book of Ruth, I have been drawn to the pain that both Naomi and Ruth experienced, how each of them walked through that pain, and how God was faithful, even in their pain.   Read More
Agape Love
by Christy Hubbard on May 10th, 2024
By Christy Hubbard: The story of Naomi, Orpah, and Ruth is a beautiful account of a mother-in-law that cared for her daughters-in-law with a deep motherly love.   Read More
Live Redeemed
by Theresa Golden on May 8th, 2024
By Theresa Golden: When I was little, I loved reading and writing stories. It was a favorite pastime that I carried with me throughout my life. As a young girl, one of my favorites was the Nancy Drew series. I loved a good mystery, the suspense that kept me on the edge of my seat.   Read More
Good Cop, Bad Cop
by Elliotte Pearson on May 6th, 2024
By Elliotte Pearson (Elder): Have you ever watched one of those detective shows where the cops bring in a suspect and start to question them? One cop comes in acting all angry and mad, throws chairs around, and gets into the face of the suspect trying to get a rise out of them. Then the partner comes in to save the day.  Read More
God's Faithfulness
by Heather Hamilton on May 3rd, 2024
Guest Author | Heather Hamilton: In the book of Ruth, we read an account of how the Lord demonstrates His faithfulness to His undeserving people through the lives of Naomi and Ruth. Though only four chapters, this book is full of faith, hope, and kindness. Let’s take a look at two of the main individuals within the book of Ruth.  Read More
The 4-Letter Word
by Nikki Bailey on May 1st, 2024
By Pastor Nikki Bailey: Patience, one of the Fruits of the Spirit, can seem like a four-letter word, can’t it? Don’t you just hate it when someone tells you to be patient?   Read More
Dare to Trust
by Mary Beth Barefoot on April 29th, 2024
By Mary Beth Barefoot: Have you ever had to take a bold step of faith? One of those steps that’s probably really scary, but an act of obedience all the same?   Read More




