Sweeter Than Honey

The beginning of the year is often spent with great intentions and many lofty goals for bettering ourselves. We feel so inspired by the opportunity of a fresh start in a new year. It’s often the same feeling that accompanies Monday mornings or the first day of a new month. There is a fresh desire to become more disciplined and add structure to our lives in order to be better people. This is all done with great intention. We want to steward the bodies and minds that God gave us and represent Him well. Eating healthier, working out, spending less money, cutting out sugar, getting up earlier, reading more, spending more time with God - the goals we set for ourselves are endless. So the difficulty becomes, how do we become better stewards of our resources (time, health, money, families, etc) without striving or doing things out of our own strength? We can start by positioning ourselves to be refilled by God our Father.
We give God space to refill and refresh us when we spend time alone with Him and allow Him to speak to us. He is always speaking to us; we just need to slow down enough to listen. One way that God speaks to us is through the Bible. In the Bible there are a couple different words used for the word Bible. One of these words is Rhema which is used to refer to the instant, personal speaking of God.
READ: Matthew 4:1-4
In verse 4 it says, “People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” When translated, Jesus is essentially saying, “People do not live by bread alone, but by the rhema word of God.” After Jesus has spent 40 days fasting in the desert, He denies needing to reach for physical nourishment but instead states that we are sustained by a word from God through Scripture. It is by Him speaking to us, His children that He loves, that we are refreshed and revived.
A rhema word for us can look like a scripture that shares a truth we need to be reminded of in our season or a verse or phrase that brings healing to our souls.
READ: Psalm 19
There is so much life found in the Word of God. Psalm 19 even tells us that His Words are even more desirable than gold, sweeter than honey and reviving to the soul. There is so much power in simply declaring the Word of God over our lives and standing on the truth that is spoken from Him through His Word.
Instead of striving to sustain all that God has called us to in this next year on our own, let’s be proactive about first spending time with Him and in His Word in order to allow Him to feed our souls. If we allow our Heavenly Father to sustain us, then we will be able to walk in His supernatural rest as we become better stewards of everything He has given us and do everything He has called us to.
PRAY: Ask God to share with you a rhema word this week. This can look like letting Him lead you to a scripture, looking up a verse that relates to something you are walking through, or picking a book of the Bible to read through and asking the Holy Spirit to highlight what He wants to speak to you. Meditate on this rhema word this week!
We give God space to refill and refresh us when we spend time alone with Him and allow Him to speak to us. He is always speaking to us; we just need to slow down enough to listen. One way that God speaks to us is through the Bible. In the Bible there are a couple different words used for the word Bible. One of these words is Rhema which is used to refer to the instant, personal speaking of God.
READ: Matthew 4:1-4
In verse 4 it says, “People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” When translated, Jesus is essentially saying, “People do not live by bread alone, but by the rhema word of God.” After Jesus has spent 40 days fasting in the desert, He denies needing to reach for physical nourishment but instead states that we are sustained by a word from God through Scripture. It is by Him speaking to us, His children that He loves, that we are refreshed and revived.
A rhema word for us can look like a scripture that shares a truth we need to be reminded of in our season or a verse or phrase that brings healing to our souls.
READ: Psalm 19
There is so much life found in the Word of God. Psalm 19 even tells us that His Words are even more desirable than gold, sweeter than honey and reviving to the soul. There is so much power in simply declaring the Word of God over our lives and standing on the truth that is spoken from Him through His Word.
Instead of striving to sustain all that God has called us to in this next year on our own, let’s be proactive about first spending time with Him and in His Word in order to allow Him to feed our souls. If we allow our Heavenly Father to sustain us, then we will be able to walk in His supernatural rest as we become better stewards of everything He has given us and do everything He has called us to.
PRAY: Ask God to share with you a rhema word this week. This can look like letting Him lead you to a scripture, looking up a verse that relates to something you are walking through, or picking a book of the Bible to read through and asking the Holy Spirit to highlight what He wants to speak to you. Meditate on this rhema word this week!
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