
“For the Lord is good, and his faithful love endures forever; his faithfulness, through all generations.” - Psalms‬ ‭100‬:‭5‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Faithful - that’s my word for 2025. Yes, it’s a reminder for me that God will be faithful, but it’s more than that. It’s also my commitment to God to remain faithful to Him, regardless of my circumstances. Thankfully, God’s faithfulness is not dependent upon my faithfulness to Him!!  God will be faithful regardless. But the question is, will I remain faithful to Him?
Many verses in the Bible illustrate God's faithfulness, but Psalm 136 stands out by reminding us, in each verse, that God is faithful regardless of the situation.

Psalms‬ ‭136‬:‭4‬-‭16‬ ‭CSB‬‬
“He alone does great wonders. His faithful love endures forever.
He made the heavens skillfully. His faithful love endures forever. 
He spread the land on the waters. His faithful love endures forever. 
He made the great lights: His faithful love endures forever. 
the sun to rule by day, His faithful love endures forever. 
the moon and stars to rule by night. His faithful love endures forever. 
He struck the firstborn of the Egyptians His faithful love endures forever.
and brought Israel out from among them His faithful love endures forever. 
with a strong hand and outstretched arm. His faithful love endures forever. 
He divided the Red Sea His faithful love endures forever. 
and led Israel through, His faithful love endures forever. 
but hurled Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea.  His faithful love endures forever. 
He led his people in the wilderness. His faithful love endures forever.”

When we look at the history of Israel, they struggled in their faithfulness to God. God would come through for them in every situation, yet when something happened again, they would complain and blame God. Some of the situations they faced were due to their own rebellion, but others were a result of God trying to get their attention and allowing things to happen to draw them back to Himself. However, God came through every single time when Israel returned to Him.

Hebrews‬ ‭11‬:‭1‬ ‭CSB‬‬
“Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.”

Because we cannot see God with our physical eyes, it can be a struggle to have faith in something we can’t see. But when we stop and look back over our day, we can see God’s faithfulness.

This may be a silly example, but recently my husband and I were at a paintball event where we had rented a trailer to haul equipment and supplies. On the first day, we parked the trailer at the event site, tucked away in the corner of the parking lot. On the last day of the event, we needed to hook up the trailer to take it when we left. As we were pulling into the parking lot, I realized I had not purchased a parking pass that could guarantee us getting close to the trailer. But as we followed the parking lot staff, they directed us to the same aisle, ended up in the same row, and were parked directly in front of the trailer!!!! We didn’t have to ask them to park us close to it or ignore their directions to get where we needed to go; God orchestrated it beautifully in our favor.

Many of us know the “Faithful Hall of Fame” in Hebrews 11, “By faith Abel…By faith Enoch…By faith Noah…By faith Abraham…” and the list goes on and on. These people are heroes in our mind, but they all made mistakes. They were human, but at the end of the day, they remained faithful to God and His promises, even though some would never see the full completion of those promises here on earth.

John‬ ‭15‬:‭4‬ ‭CSB‬‬
“Remain in me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me.”

Psalms‬ ‭52‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭CSB‬‬
“But I am like a flourishing olive tree in the house of God;  I trust in God’s faithful love forever and ever.  I will praise you forever for what you have done. In the presence of your faithful people, I will put my hope in your name, for it is good. ”

I tend to worry and stress about situations that I can’t control, and I have to recognize I’m not resting in the faithfulness of God when I do that. I have to allow Him to do what He needs to do; I just need to trust Him and His perfect timing. I will remain faithful to Him.

JOURNAL:  Take time this week to reflect on where you have not been faithful to God. It can be something small or something big. But we all have those moments in our life where we have tried to make something happen on our own rather than trusting God’s faithfulness to complete it in His timing.

PRAYER:  God, thank You that even when I am not faithful, You are faithful. You will always be faithful to do what You promise. I choose to remain faithful to You. Open my eyes to see the areas in my life where I am not being faithful to You, where I have to let go of control and trust that You will always be there for me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!
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