Posts with the tag “ruth-a-faithful-journey”

Redeemed Through Community
by Miranda Braden on May 15th, 2024
By Miranda Braden: How do I keep it together when it feels like everything around me is falling apart? Scripture doesn't really go into the specifics on what Ruth was really longing for in her journey with Naomi. It could have been a husband, a baby, or just being able to feed her family from day to day.   Read More
I Know My Redeemer Lives
by Anita Harrison on May 13th, 2024
By Guest Author | Anita Harrison: It may be because I’m older, or it may be because I see so many people who are hurting. But as we’ve gone through the book of Ruth, I have been drawn to the pain that both Naomi and Ruth experienced, how each of them walked through that pain, and how God was faithful, even in their pain.   Read More
Agape Love
by Christy Hubbard on May 10th, 2024
By Christy Hubbard: The story of Naomi, Orpah, and Ruth is a beautiful account of a mother-in-law that cared for her daughters-in-law with a deep motherly love.   Read More
Live Redeemed
by Theresa Golden on May 8th, 2024
By Theresa Golden: When I was little, I loved reading and writing stories. It was a favorite pastime that I carried with me throughout my life. As a young girl, one of my favorites was the Nancy Drew series. I loved a good mystery, the suspense that kept me on the edge of my seat.   Read More
Good Cop, Bad Cop
by Elliotte Pearson on May 6th, 2024
By Elliotte Pearson (Elder): Have you ever watched one of those detective shows where the cops bring in a suspect and start to question them? One cop comes in acting all angry and mad, throws chairs around, and gets into the face of the suspect trying to get a rise out of them. Then the partner comes in to save the day.  Read More
God's Faithfulness
by Heather Hamilton on May 3rd, 2024
Guest Author | Heather Hamilton: In the book of Ruth, we read an account of how the Lord demonstrates His faithfulness to His undeserving people through the lives of Naomi and Ruth. Though only four chapters, this book is full of faith, hope, and kindness. Let’s take a look at two of the main individuals within the book of Ruth.  Read More
The 4-Letter Word
by Nikki Bailey on May 1st, 2024
By Pastor Nikki Bailey: Patience, one of the Fruits of the Spirit, can seem like a four-letter word, can’t it? Don’t you just hate it when someone tells you to be patient?   Read More
Dare to Trust
by Mary Beth Barefoot on April 29th, 2024
By Mary Beth Barefoot: Have you ever had to take a bold step of faith? One of those steps that’s probably really scary, but an act of obedience all the same?   Read More
Love in Transition
by Whitney Bailey on April 26th, 2024
Guest Author | Whitney Bailey: Isn’t it amazing how someone else’s life can appear put-together, blessed, and beautiful from our perspective? But the reality is that most of the time, we have absolutely no idea what they may be really facing. I  Read More
Do the Next Right Thing
by Megan Wamer on April 24th, 2024
Guest Author | Megan Wamer: The book of Ruth starts out pretty depressing, if I’m being honest. From the beginning, the husbands of Naomi, Orpah, and Ruth have died. We don’t have many details other than the fact that they passed away.  Read More
A Response to Obedience
by Tyler Braden on April 22nd, 2024
By Pastor Tyler Braden: In Ruth chapter two, we witness a beautiful display of God's provision and faithfulness in the lives of Ruth and Naomi. Ruth, a Moabite woman, found herself in a foreign land after the death of her husband.   Read More
Relational Equity
by Rachael Wynne on April 19th, 2024
By Rachael Wynne: We all crave relationships and have a desire to be in community with others. Why does it feel so hard all the time? It’s no secret that relationships are complicated! As we read through the story of Ruth, I am amazed at how well she is received by others.  Read More
Finding Favor in the Mundane
by Ashley Piner on April 17th, 2024
By Guest Author | Ashley Piner: The story of Ruth teaches us to look for the powerful hand of God amidst the seemingly mundane facets of our lives. In the bustling rhythm of our lives, there are a multitude of tasks that we do without even thinking.   Read More
The Role of Humility
by Steve Miller on April 14th, 2024
By Steve Miller: In my life, I find myself constantly fighting the urge to progress or to climb the ladder. Whether it’s in my hobbies, in my work, or even in my family, I look for the next step for me to advance, to be a better Dad, husband, or employee.  Read More
Slow and Steady Wins the Race
by Gina Robinson on April 12th, 2024
By Pastor Gina Robinson: As we continue to journey through the book of Ruth, I have discovered fragile places in my heart that still need attention and care. Somewhere in this journey called life, I forgot to be human and allow myself to feel and sit in what recently felt like rejection and abandonment.  Read More
A Friend Like Ruth
by Theresa Golden on April 9th, 2024
By Theresa Golden: Have you ever had a time in your life where you were just unhappy? Maybe things didn’t turn out the way you thought they would. Maybe you lost a loved one, a job, or a friend. Maybe you simply aren’t as far along in your journey as you thought you would be at this point.  Read More
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
by Jake Haggard on April 8th, 2024
By Jake Haggard: Is there anything more mundane than making a decision? We all make decisions every single day. From the moment we begin our day, we are inundated with decisions that have to be made.   Read More
Between Miracles
by Miranda Braden on April 5th, 2024
By Miranda Braden: Recently, I caught myself praying, “God, does this really matter to you?” Sometimes, I can pray for what I assume is a pretty small prayer on a God-sized scale. I found myself wondering if He really cares about the small details of my life.   Read More




