Why Should We Fast?

Over the last few years, I’ve come to realize there are things I was never meant to carry. Health issues, fear, anxiety, kids, struggling family members, and life transitions can feel so heavy. I discovered I couldn’t navigate any of it in my own strength. I needed to remind my mind, body, and soul of Who is ultimately in control. This is when fasting became a rhythm in my life.
I chose a weekly practice of fasting from food to acknowledge His sovereignty in my life, to declare my dependency on Him, and to surrender my will. Honestly, I needed more of Him and less of me. Seeking God begins with a posture of humility and need.
"Fasting reduces the power of self so that the Holy Spirit can do a more intense work within us." – Bill Bright
Fasting has become a spiritual discipline that strengthens my faith and helps me experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Through fasting, I’ve drawn closer to God, sought deliverance, released burdens, and received His power.
Fasting can take many forms and should align with your season of life and health. Whether abstaining from food, drink, or media, fasting is a way of tethering our hearts to the Father. It’s an opportunity to yield and surrender outcomes, people, and circumstances to Him.
Matthew 25:8–9 says, "And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘Since there will not be enough for us and for you, go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.’”
In this passage, oil represents the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is the oil that keeps the fire burning. The parable tells us the oil must be “purchased,” implying a cost to be paid. To have a continual presence of the Holy Spirit, it’s not about working harder but about receiving more oil. Fasting drives us to spend time at Jesus’ feet and deepen our connection to the source of divine oil. The cost is discipline, surrender, and release of all expectations, control, and timelines.
Fasting compels us to abide in Christ and rest in Him. As branches, we allow the vine to do its job. Our only requirement is to trust, rely on, and depend on Him. As John 15:5 reminds us: “...apart from me, you can do nothing.”
Fasting hasn’t brought me an abundance of answered prayers or immediate breakthroughs. But it has drawn me closer to the Father and unified my heart with His. While I continue to pray for breakthrough, deliverance, and more of His power in my life and those around me, I’ve found peace in trusting and walking in faith. As I wait, my faith grows. The waiting prepares me to hear His voice and respond in obedience. The waiting matters.
Whatever burdens you are carrying, will you cast them into the arms of Jesus? You weren’t meant to carry them alone. As we pray and fast this month, let’s position ourselves in His arms, surrendering and growing more dependent on Him.
JOURNAL: Quiet yourself before the Lord to:
Acknowledge His sovereignty.
Declare your dependency.
Surrender your will.
Fasting awakens us to see God’s hand at work in the details of our lives. What if fasting allows you to know and experience Him more deeply this year? Will you be awakened?
I chose a weekly practice of fasting from food to acknowledge His sovereignty in my life, to declare my dependency on Him, and to surrender my will. Honestly, I needed more of Him and less of me. Seeking God begins with a posture of humility and need.
"Fasting reduces the power of self so that the Holy Spirit can do a more intense work within us." – Bill Bright
Fasting has become a spiritual discipline that strengthens my faith and helps me experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Through fasting, I’ve drawn closer to God, sought deliverance, released burdens, and received His power.
Fasting can take many forms and should align with your season of life and health. Whether abstaining from food, drink, or media, fasting is a way of tethering our hearts to the Father. It’s an opportunity to yield and surrender outcomes, people, and circumstances to Him.
Matthew 25:8–9 says, "And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘Since there will not be enough for us and for you, go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.’”
In this passage, oil represents the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is the oil that keeps the fire burning. The parable tells us the oil must be “purchased,” implying a cost to be paid. To have a continual presence of the Holy Spirit, it’s not about working harder but about receiving more oil. Fasting drives us to spend time at Jesus’ feet and deepen our connection to the source of divine oil. The cost is discipline, surrender, and release of all expectations, control, and timelines.
Fasting compels us to abide in Christ and rest in Him. As branches, we allow the vine to do its job. Our only requirement is to trust, rely on, and depend on Him. As John 15:5 reminds us: “...apart from me, you can do nothing.”
Fasting hasn’t brought me an abundance of answered prayers or immediate breakthroughs. But it has drawn me closer to the Father and unified my heart with His. While I continue to pray for breakthrough, deliverance, and more of His power in my life and those around me, I’ve found peace in trusting and walking in faith. As I wait, my faith grows. The waiting prepares me to hear His voice and respond in obedience. The waiting matters.
Whatever burdens you are carrying, will you cast them into the arms of Jesus? You weren’t meant to carry them alone. As we pray and fast this month, let’s position ourselves in His arms, surrendering and growing more dependent on Him.
JOURNAL: Quiet yourself before the Lord to:
Acknowledge His sovereignty.
Declare your dependency.
Surrender your will.
Fasting awakens us to see God’s hand at work in the details of our lives. What if fasting allows you to know and experience Him more deeply this year? Will you be awakened?
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