Even When I'm Weak

Judges chapter six begins with the usual cycle of rebellion from the children of Israel. The Midianites conquered and oppressed Israel, leading to a collective cry for help from the Lord they recently left. Gideon, son of Joash, was working to hide grain from the Midianites when the Angel of the Lord appeared to him.
The words in verse twelve have always caught my attention. Jesus says to Gideon, “The Lord is with you mighty man of valor.” Gideon’s response is likely similar to how we would respond in the midst of a community-wide famine and violent siege. How can I be mighty? If God is truly with us, why is this happening? These are fair questions from an Isrealite living through a nationwide famine, but God seems to see it differently. Yes, the nation of Israel rebelled against God thus becoming the source of their pain by way of the Midianites, but the Lord sees a holy courage in Gideon that Gideon can’t see in himself.
I love how God calls out what He first placed within us, the courage, fearlessness, and boldness to serve him. Gideon brings glory to God by defeating the Midianites with less than one percent of the army of men he began with. God never calls us by our circumstance. We are not known to Him by our weakness or inability or even our efforts. We are known to Him by what He says about us before we attempt to prove it. We must fight against internalizing the cultural narrative of proving who we are by what we do. We must make every effort to receive what God has already said about us and dwell in that.
Remember, God doesn’t anoint based on ability; He anoints because He chooses to. God doesn’t gift because we’ve been really good; He gifts because He’s a giver. He gives because that’s His nature.
JOURNAL: What is God calling you to do? Maybe it’s something you are not confident in doing. Don’t let that keep you from stepping into the perfect plan of God.
The words in verse twelve have always caught my attention. Jesus says to Gideon, “The Lord is with you mighty man of valor.” Gideon’s response is likely similar to how we would respond in the midst of a community-wide famine and violent siege. How can I be mighty? If God is truly with us, why is this happening? These are fair questions from an Isrealite living through a nationwide famine, but God seems to see it differently. Yes, the nation of Israel rebelled against God thus becoming the source of their pain by way of the Midianites, but the Lord sees a holy courage in Gideon that Gideon can’t see in himself.
I love how God calls out what He first placed within us, the courage, fearlessness, and boldness to serve him. Gideon brings glory to God by defeating the Midianites with less than one percent of the army of men he began with. God never calls us by our circumstance. We are not known to Him by our weakness or inability or even our efforts. We are known to Him by what He says about us before we attempt to prove it. We must fight against internalizing the cultural narrative of proving who we are by what we do. We must make every effort to receive what God has already said about us and dwell in that.
Remember, God doesn’t anoint based on ability; He anoints because He chooses to. God doesn’t gift because we’ve been really good; He gifts because He’s a giver. He gives because that’s His nature.
JOURNAL: What is God calling you to do? Maybe it’s something you are not confident in doing. Don’t let that keep you from stepping into the perfect plan of God.
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1 Comment
The most powerful idea to me was….
nGod doesn’t gift because we’ve been really good; He gifts because He’s a giver.
nWow! I have some thinking to do .