Posts with the tag “advent”

Year-End Reflections
by Theresa Golden on December 29th, 2023
By Theresa Golden: As I close out each year, I find myself reflecting on all that has transpired over the past 365 days: the good, the bad, the happy, the sad…and the moments that don’t really fit into any one category. Every single moment served a purpose...  Read More
When There Is No Precedent
by Tyler Braden on December 27th, 2023
By Pastor Tyler Braden: As we walk through the Christmas season, I tend to think about the story of Jesus' birth. You may be thinking, “Duh We all do.” But I tend to think a lot about how cool and how weird of an experience that all must have been. You have angels coming down talking to folks, a king that is trying to kill all the babies, a pregnant virgin, and the Messiah being born outside and laid in a manger.  Read More
A Christmas Day Celebration
by Steve Miller on December 25th, 2023
By Steve Miller: Today we celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ, the King According to the Advent calendar, a lot of churches and church gatherings will light the Christ candle today, signifying the coming of Jesus Christ. In order to truly understand how special a day this is, we need to take on some context....  Read More
All I Want for Christmas is Joy
by Theresa Golden on December 22nd, 2023
By Theresa Golden: Remember when you were young? The magic of Christmas filled the air. Nothing could match the anticipation we had as we counted down the days until Christmas. It was a special time of year…and still can be!  Read More
Generous Forgiveness
by Miranda Braden on December 20th, 2023
By Miranda Braden: How quick are you to forgive? Are you generous with your forgiveness, or does it take you a few days or weeks? Hopefully, not months. I'm not going to beat around the bush with you. I struggle with this...  Read More
The Best Business Card I Ever Received
by Aaron Kennedy on December 18th, 2023
By Pastor Aaron Kennedy: I was stunned when he handed it to me with the instruction that simply stated, “Aaron, do this consistently, and it will help.”  Read More
Peace You Don't Have to Fake
by Theresa Golden on December 15th, 2023
By Theresa Golden: Life will throw us curve balls - unexpected news, trials, and tragedy. How can we have true Peace in the middle of the storm?   Read More
What Does "Content" Even Mean?
by Pate Leigh on December 13th, 2023
By Pate Leigh: Just a few nights ago, my wife asked me when I feel the most content. I had to ponder that question because it’s not something I think about very often. What does “content” even mean?  Read More
A Peace I Don't Understand
by Jake Haggard on December 11th, 2023
By Jake Haggard: I think we have the idea of peace wrong. This is probably because we often only think about peace when we are in the middle of conflict....  Read More
Hope in the Middle of Grief
by Theresa Golden on December 8th, 2023
By Theresa Golden: While the holiday season is often called "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year," it can be a difficult time for many. The absence of loved ones, the feeling of loneliness, pain, and grief, can often be felt more acutely during this season, but there is always Hope in Jesus....  Read More
Everyday Hope
by Meghen Haggard on December 6th, 2023
By Meghen Haggard: Advent is one of my favorite times of the year in the Church! For Christians, this time is more than presents and decorations. It's this beautiful season where we wait, anticipate, and prepare for the celebration of Jesus's birth.  Read More
by Theresa Golden on December 19th, 2022
During the busiest time of year, we may feel anything but peaceful. This week, we light the candle of Peace.  Read More
by Theresa Golden on December 12th, 2022
As we continue Advent this week, we light the candle of Joy. Christmas is about the Joy we have in Jesus.   Read More
by Theresa Golden on December 5th, 2022
At the very heart of Christmas is love. There wouldn’t be a Christmas without it. This week, we light the candle of Love.  Read More
by Theresa Golden on November 28th, 2022
Many churches light a candle each week leading up to Christmas. There’s no better way to begin Advent than to light the candle of Hope.   Read More




