Posts with the tag “the-glory”

Posture of Vulnerability
by Whitney Bailey on September 16th, 2024
By Whitney Bailey: In full transparency, I’m sitting in my comfy chair drinking coffee while working on this devotional when I should be packing for a long family weekend away. But isn’t that how God reaches in?   Read More
The Veil Was Torn
by Theresa Golden on September 13th, 2024
By Guest Author | Ashley Piner: Growing up, my middle and high school youth group participated in an event called Bible Bowl, which was like the Super Bowl of Bible trivia. Our youth leaders would provide us with specific Bible verses and passages of Scripture that we needed to memorize and be ready to answer questions about.  Read More
A God Who Dwells
by Theresa Golden on September 11th, 2024
By Guest Author | Heather Hamilton: Do you ever find yourself wondering if God really is close to his people? I, too, have asked this same question. As we have been studying in Exodus this series, and specifically the details provided to Moses on how to build the Tabernacle, I was reminded of the fact that we do not serve a distant God.  Read More
Intentional Dwelling Place
by Theresa Golden on September 9th, 2024
By Christy Hubbard: We are going through The Glory series at Opendoor Church and have been learning about the Tabernacle. I find it fascinating how intentional and specific God was with His instructions surrounding the construction of the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle.  Read More
Snake in the Woods
by Theresa Golden on September 6th, 2024
By Megan Wamer: I love to walk. I love taking time to be outside daily and move my body. This has become a habit for me. There’s a park where I love walking that takes you through the woods on paved and unpaved areas.  Read More
He Remembers Them No More
by Theresa Golden on September 4th, 2024
By Elliotte Pearson (Elder): I really have tried to remember a time or a moment when God brought up one of my many past sins, but I cannot. It is one of those outrageous aspects of God’s nature and character.   Read More
Worship is a Lifestyle
by Theresa Golden on September 2nd, 2024
By Joy Kimbril: Worship is a lifestyle.” One of the worship leaders I served under after college made this statement and it resonated with me.   Read More
To Dwell With Us
by Theresa Golden on August 30th, 2024
By Guest Author | Rachel Edwards: As we started this new series, Pastor Mike shared a sermon about the Tabernacle called "Yes, It Is A Religion!" If you weren't able to hear it, I'd encourage you to go back and watch it on the Opendoor App!  Read More
by Theresa Golden on August 28th, 2024
By Pastor Nikki Bailey: One-on-One’s happen weekly with the Education Team at Opendoor. It’s a time when calendars are blocked for two employees to communicate, collaborate, listen, and assist each other in areas of need.   Read More
The Same God
by Theresa Golden on August 26th, 2024
By Guest Author | Rebecca Alfred: I am fresh returning from an 8-day mission trip to Belize. Along with 12 other women, I made the trip of a lifetime, and the impact won’t soon be forgotten. After an eventful day of traveling on Saturday, we touched down and began to work immediately on our prep work for the events to be held during our time there.   Read More
What the Bible Says About Physical Expressions of Worship
by Theresa Golden on August 23rd, 2024
By Mary Beth Dunn: Have you ever wondered why people raise their hands, clap, shout, and sing in church? If you’re anything like me, there have been moments in my life when I’ve asked the question, “what are we doing and why?”  Read More
It's Not Complicated
by Theresa Golden on August 21st, 2024
By Theresa Golden: Sometimes, I tend to complicate even the simplest things in life. I guess, you could call it my "toxic trait." I have a tendency to take a minor issue, overthink it, worry about it, and then turn it into something much larger than it originally was.  Read More




