Snake in the Woods

I love to walk. I love taking time to be outside daily and move my body. This has become a habit for me. There’s a park where I love walking that takes you through the woods on paved and unpaved areas. One morning, I was making my usual rounds while also talking to my husband on my phone. As I was talking to him, I immediately stopped. What I thought was some random, long piece of grass was actually a green snake right in my path.
Now, this was the skinniest, most miniscule snake you have ever seen. In fact, had I just been looking ahead and walking instead of looking down at the ground, I would have never noticed it; and I know it wouldn’t have bothered me. On the phone, I instantly said, “Babe, there’s a snake. What do I do?” After he asked me what kind of snake it was, then told me it was not going to hurt me at all, I decided to walk around it quickly. The snake never moved. It was just as much frozen in fear as I was.
Fear. Fear had entered. I wanted to do all of my normal laps at the park that day, but I was already thinking about that snake. What I noticed was all the other people on this same path were walking by that same spot, and I heard no one freaking out. It didn’t appear that anyone was stopping. But I had seen it. And now my thoughts were, I wonder if there are more snakes. I hope I remember that spot where I saw the snake so I’m not surprised by it again. Maybe I shouldn’t walk this park anymore in the summer months, etc.
I decided to keep walking that day. When I came back to that same spot, the snake had moved inside the crack of the concrete with its little head sticking out. Mind you, I’m passing MANY other walkers. Clearly, we are all OK. But my mind became focused on the fear. The third time I passed where I assumed the snake would be, my mind was reeling. I mean, it could be in any crack now! So I tiptoe-ran all the way past that place. I was freaked out!
So, what’s my point? I allowed my fear to cause me to lose sight of my goal. I was there to walk. I usually listened to podcasts, music, or prayed. I LOVED this time in my day. That day, my walk became all about looking out for a snake. The first time was the introduction to my fear. I normally scanned the area as I walked, but I was always looking for big, long, dark snakes. Now that I had seen this small, tiny snake, my fear escalated to an irrational level. The second time, the snake’s head was barely sticking out of a crack. I would have NEVER seen this if I wasn’t looking for it, if I wasn’t focused on it. The third time, I ran the strangest tiptoe-run of fear you have ever seen. I ran from it and seriously started questioning whether or not I would continue to walk in this place I had really grown to love.
How many times have you been held back from pursuing a goal in life because of a fear? You were living your life just fine, and then all of a sudden, a fear crept right into your thoughts. You saw it. You knew it wasn’t something that should stop you from continuing toward your goal, but that fear was now at the front of your mind. Fear can sabotage your progress. Now you're still moving toward your goal, but half of your focus is on the fear. Fear is winning. If you keep focusing on the fear, you will stop moving entirely.
What’s your fear today? The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Speak to your fear in the name of Jesus and tell it where to go. Iif you think I haven’t said that verse while walking, you don’t know me! And yes, I continue to walk that path. I even walk the wooded path now because I don’t want fear to be a reason I quit or the reason I choose another path. The same is true for you in whatever area of your life you are facing a fear right now. Continue to pray through your doubts, fears, and feelings, thanking God for His deliverance. Psalms 56:3 says, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Verse 4 goes on to say, “In God, whose word I praise- in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”
We have everything we need in Jesus. It doesn’t matter how small you think your fear is; it’s big to you. Small fears can grow. So take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5) Continue toward your goal today. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. (Philippians 4:13)
Fear is all around us. We choose what we do with our snake in the woods. Choose to give your fear to Jesus. He will help you trust in Him, and give you deliverance. I might see another snake. I actually did, but I kept walking. And guess what? The snake kept moving. Fear seeks to paralyze us, but fear can’t do a thing to us when we have Jesus.
ACTIVATION: Write down your fear(s). Write down how they are hindering your walk with the Lord, your ability to meet your goals in life, or how they are hindering your life in any way. Look at what you wrote. Do you want to stay in that place? Now write down some practical ways you could work on facing those fears. Depending on the severity of what you wrote down, do you need to seek counsel from someone on how to face your fear(s)? Finally, and honestly, foremost, PRAY. Right now. Give your fear(s) to God. Begin to walk in victory as you take the thoughts captive that seek to paralyze you.
PRAYER: God, I give You (fear). Help me to trust You daily as I overcome the thoughts that are trying to keep me from my full purpose in this life. I want to live for You and walk in the power of Your Holy Spirit. Strengthen me today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Now, this was the skinniest, most miniscule snake you have ever seen. In fact, had I just been looking ahead and walking instead of looking down at the ground, I would have never noticed it; and I know it wouldn’t have bothered me. On the phone, I instantly said, “Babe, there’s a snake. What do I do?” After he asked me what kind of snake it was, then told me it was not going to hurt me at all, I decided to walk around it quickly. The snake never moved. It was just as much frozen in fear as I was.
Fear. Fear had entered. I wanted to do all of my normal laps at the park that day, but I was already thinking about that snake. What I noticed was all the other people on this same path were walking by that same spot, and I heard no one freaking out. It didn’t appear that anyone was stopping. But I had seen it. And now my thoughts were, I wonder if there are more snakes. I hope I remember that spot where I saw the snake so I’m not surprised by it again. Maybe I shouldn’t walk this park anymore in the summer months, etc.
I decided to keep walking that day. When I came back to that same spot, the snake had moved inside the crack of the concrete with its little head sticking out. Mind you, I’m passing MANY other walkers. Clearly, we are all OK. But my mind became focused on the fear. The third time I passed where I assumed the snake would be, my mind was reeling. I mean, it could be in any crack now! So I tiptoe-ran all the way past that place. I was freaked out!
So, what’s my point? I allowed my fear to cause me to lose sight of my goal. I was there to walk. I usually listened to podcasts, music, or prayed. I LOVED this time in my day. That day, my walk became all about looking out for a snake. The first time was the introduction to my fear. I normally scanned the area as I walked, but I was always looking for big, long, dark snakes. Now that I had seen this small, tiny snake, my fear escalated to an irrational level. The second time, the snake’s head was barely sticking out of a crack. I would have NEVER seen this if I wasn’t looking for it, if I wasn’t focused on it. The third time, I ran the strangest tiptoe-run of fear you have ever seen. I ran from it and seriously started questioning whether or not I would continue to walk in this place I had really grown to love.
How many times have you been held back from pursuing a goal in life because of a fear? You were living your life just fine, and then all of a sudden, a fear crept right into your thoughts. You saw it. You knew it wasn’t something that should stop you from continuing toward your goal, but that fear was now at the front of your mind. Fear can sabotage your progress. Now you're still moving toward your goal, but half of your focus is on the fear. Fear is winning. If you keep focusing on the fear, you will stop moving entirely.
What’s your fear today? The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Speak to your fear in the name of Jesus and tell it where to go. Iif you think I haven’t said that verse while walking, you don’t know me! And yes, I continue to walk that path. I even walk the wooded path now because I don’t want fear to be a reason I quit or the reason I choose another path. The same is true for you in whatever area of your life you are facing a fear right now. Continue to pray through your doubts, fears, and feelings, thanking God for His deliverance. Psalms 56:3 says, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Verse 4 goes on to say, “In God, whose word I praise- in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”
We have everything we need in Jesus. It doesn’t matter how small you think your fear is; it’s big to you. Small fears can grow. So take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5) Continue toward your goal today. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. (Philippians 4:13)
Fear is all around us. We choose what we do with our snake in the woods. Choose to give your fear to Jesus. He will help you trust in Him, and give you deliverance. I might see another snake. I actually did, but I kept walking. And guess what? The snake kept moving. Fear seeks to paralyze us, but fear can’t do a thing to us when we have Jesus.
ACTIVATION: Write down your fear(s). Write down how they are hindering your walk with the Lord, your ability to meet your goals in life, or how they are hindering your life in any way. Look at what you wrote. Do you want to stay in that place? Now write down some practical ways you could work on facing those fears. Depending on the severity of what you wrote down, do you need to seek counsel from someone on how to face your fear(s)? Finally, and honestly, foremost, PRAY. Right now. Give your fear(s) to God. Begin to walk in victory as you take the thoughts captive that seek to paralyze you.
PRAYER: God, I give You (fear). Help me to trust You daily as I overcome the thoughts that are trying to keep me from my full purpose in this life. I want to live for You and walk in the power of Your Holy Spirit. Strengthen me today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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Posted in The Glory
This is so good!! I have irrational fears that take my focus off not only Jesus but things I love as well! (Fear of snakes is valid though!)
Great perspective! I quote that 2Timothy scripture all the time. God gives us power over our fears, we just need to give it to him, and step into His power and strength. Love it!