Posts with the tag “fasting”
Open Our Ears
by Joy Kimbril on January 19th, 2024
By Joy Kimbril: A new year always inspires new resolutions and goals for the coming year. I haven’t really made resolutions in the last couple of years, but I did set some goals. Read More
Why Do We Exercise?
by Scott Conner on January 17th, 2024
By Pastor Scott Conner: Why do we exercise? I knew that would get your attention quicker than if I asked, “Why do we fast?” The answer is pretty much the same to both questions. Read More
How Do You Stir Up Spiritual Hunger?
by Aaron Kennedy on January 15th, 2024
Pastor Aaron Kennedy: We know the Bible says that we are blessed if we hunger, but the bigger question that comes to mind is how do we stir spiritual hunger in our lives? I know of only a few ways to do so; and as we turn the page and start a new year, my heart is longing to stir a hunger for God, fresh and new. Read More
Religion or Relationship
by Steve Miller on January 12th, 2024
By Steve Miller: When I was growing up, I always believed that prayer and fasting were things that you did when you needed something. I only prayed when I needed help or arrived at a time in the day when I usually prayed, most often before meals and at bedtime. I never really fasted until later in life, but the motivation was the same. Read More
Who is God to Me?This Year...Keep Trying AgainKing of My HeartWhat A Friend We Have In JesusReligion or RelationshipHow Do You Stir Up Spiritual Hunger?Why Do We Exercise?Open Our EarsReturn to the FirstReignite the FlameSustainable FaithNot Bound by Region, Building, or JobAm I Going the Right Way?