Good Cop, Bad Cop

Have you ever watched one of those detective shows where the cops bring in a suspect and start to question them? One cop comes in acting all angry and mad, throws chairs around, and gets into the face of the suspect trying to get a rise out of them. Then the partner comes in to save the day. He acts all nice and makes the bad cop leave the room. Then, he turns his concern toward the suspect to put them at ease, getting them to relax in hopes of eliciting a confession. It is an interesting strategy, befriending the suspect with the perception of being shielded from the bad cop. It’s sending the message that “if you deal with me (Good Cop), you don’t have to deal with the other guy (Bad Cop).”
I have read the following scripture many times. Then a couple of weeks ago, I was reading it again, and the Lord very graciously said to me, ”I’m not the bad cop.”
Hebrews Chapter 1 tells us in verse 3, “And He (Jesus) is the radiance of His (God) glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power.”
It’s interesting how God will use scripture to show you a lie you have believed. These lies often lead to misunderstanding who God really is. An errant belief system can cause you to see God in an unfavorable or inaccurate light.
If I am honest, even in very recent times, there was a part of me that still saw God as the bad cop and Jesus as the good cop. I only wanted to deal with Jesus, because deep down, I saw God as the angry one, the punisher, the one who passes judgment, and His wrath awaits all who do wrong. I saw Jesus as the one who loves and extends His grace toward me, the one who makes me feel safe and protects me from the wrath of God. When I think about Jesus and all He has done for me, through His sacrifice on the cross and then His resurrection, it is easy to adopt a belief system that Jesus is the good cop, who shields me from the Father’s anger and judgment.
You see, Jesus is the exact representation of who God is. All that Jesus is shows us a reflection of His Father. Remember, Jesus said, “I only do what My Father does and I only say what My Father says.” None of us would say God is bad, but our belief system would say that God is the Father who punishes us, and Jesus is the Son who loves us.
Scripture tells us that Jesus glorifies the Father. “Glorify" in Hebrew means to, “give a correct account of.” Jesus was giving us a correct account of who God is. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He does not change. He is good. His goodness has no end, and His son came only to show us the Father. Jesus said, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father” (John 14). They are not two different personalities, they have 2 different roles, but the same character and nature.
Jesus does not shield me from God’s anger. In fact, Jesus paid my debt and now sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession for you and me. With death being defeated at the cross and the curse of sin and shame broken, I can come closer to God, and God sees me. He knows every hair on my head, and my name is written on the palm of His hand. I am not shielded from God; and in fact, He wants to know me intimately, without the veil between us.
I just know that God wanted to correct that small inaccuracy in my heart, and I believe there are others out there who see God in the same light. Know this, when you read everything Jesus said and did, read it as though it was God saying it to you.
Father, You are the creator of Heaven and Earth. You are the One that knows my innermost thoughts and yet You still call me son/daughter. I am grateful for who You created me to be. I am grateful that Your nature and character don’t change. Help me to see You as the One that Jesus spoke about throughout His entire ministry on Earth. Help me keep my heart fertile toward You and let love have its perfect work in me.
I have read the following scripture many times. Then a couple of weeks ago, I was reading it again, and the Lord very graciously said to me, ”I’m not the bad cop.”
Hebrews Chapter 1 tells us in verse 3, “And He (Jesus) is the radiance of His (God) glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power.”
It’s interesting how God will use scripture to show you a lie you have believed. These lies often lead to misunderstanding who God really is. An errant belief system can cause you to see God in an unfavorable or inaccurate light.
If I am honest, even in very recent times, there was a part of me that still saw God as the bad cop and Jesus as the good cop. I only wanted to deal with Jesus, because deep down, I saw God as the angry one, the punisher, the one who passes judgment, and His wrath awaits all who do wrong. I saw Jesus as the one who loves and extends His grace toward me, the one who makes me feel safe and protects me from the wrath of God. When I think about Jesus and all He has done for me, through His sacrifice on the cross and then His resurrection, it is easy to adopt a belief system that Jesus is the good cop, who shields me from the Father’s anger and judgment.
You see, Jesus is the exact representation of who God is. All that Jesus is shows us a reflection of His Father. Remember, Jesus said, “I only do what My Father does and I only say what My Father says.” None of us would say God is bad, but our belief system would say that God is the Father who punishes us, and Jesus is the Son who loves us.
Scripture tells us that Jesus glorifies the Father. “Glorify" in Hebrew means to, “give a correct account of.” Jesus was giving us a correct account of who God is. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He does not change. He is good. His goodness has no end, and His son came only to show us the Father. Jesus said, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father” (John 14). They are not two different personalities, they have 2 different roles, but the same character and nature.
Jesus does not shield me from God’s anger. In fact, Jesus paid my debt and now sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession for you and me. With death being defeated at the cross and the curse of sin and shame broken, I can come closer to God, and God sees me. He knows every hair on my head, and my name is written on the palm of His hand. I am not shielded from God; and in fact, He wants to know me intimately, without the veil between us.
I just know that God wanted to correct that small inaccuracy in my heart, and I believe there are others out there who see God in the same light. Know this, when you read everything Jesus said and did, read it as though it was God saying it to you.
- Read John chapters 14-17. As you read them, think about God saying them. Jesus represents all that the Father is and His Kingdom.
- Ask God to reveal to you where you still view Him inaccurately.
Father, You are the creator of Heaven and Earth. You are the One that knows my innermost thoughts and yet You still call me son/daughter. I am grateful for who You created me to be. I am grateful that Your nature and character don’t change. Help me to see You as the One that Jesus spoke about throughout His entire ministry on Earth. Help me keep my heart fertile toward You and let love have its perfect work in me.
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