The 4-Letter Word

Then Naomi said to her, “Just be patient, my daughter, until we hear what happens.” Ruth 3:18
Patience, one of the Fruits of the Spirit, can seem like a four-letter word, can’t it? Don’t you just hate it when someone tells you to be patient?
In many areas of life, we are told to be patient: in check-out lines, for our significant others, for children, the perfect friend group, healing, the dream home, or the new job. We often feel like if we do our part, God should do His quickly. Can anyone else relate?
My husband and I have been waiting for our house to sell, in hopes of purchasing our dream home. We’ve had our eyes on a certain home for literally six months and nothing is moving as fast as we had hoped. I will admit that at times, I personally haven't been patiently waiting. But when I am quiet, I can hear God say,”Trust me, Nikki. My heart is to give good gifts to My children, but My timing is perfect. Waiting will be to your benefit.”
As we have been studying Ruth as a church, we see that Ruth made a bold move to ask Boaz to marry her and take care of her, yet there wasn’t an immediate “yes" on his lips. There was a process and possibly a stop sign ahead, yet Naomi encouraged Ruth to be patient with the outcome.
We see that in the end, Ruth married Boaz and resulted in the bloodline that led to David, Son of Jesse. Trusting God in the waiting yielded great results for not only her, but to us all. This one instance was the result of the birth of Jesus, our true Redeemer.
Take heart! Our Redeemer hasn’t forgotten you nor is He quiet. Listen for Him in the silence and waiting. He’s there. He longs to speak. And He will show up at the right time to see you through all His hopes and dreams for you! Wait on the Lord and trust His process for you.
JOURNAL: What is one area in your life that you are currently having to wait on? How can you handle it patiently?
PRAYER: Father, I long for Your desires in my life over my own. Because of Jesus, I can put my trust in You and Your Word. Thank You for loving me and wanting what is best for me and my situation. My hope is in You completely. I pray Your will be done here, on Earth, as You see the big picture in Heaven. Amen
Patience, one of the Fruits of the Spirit, can seem like a four-letter word, can’t it? Don’t you just hate it when someone tells you to be patient?
In many areas of life, we are told to be patient: in check-out lines, for our significant others, for children, the perfect friend group, healing, the dream home, or the new job. We often feel like if we do our part, God should do His quickly. Can anyone else relate?
My husband and I have been waiting for our house to sell, in hopes of purchasing our dream home. We’ve had our eyes on a certain home for literally six months and nothing is moving as fast as we had hoped. I will admit that at times, I personally haven't been patiently waiting. But when I am quiet, I can hear God say,”Trust me, Nikki. My heart is to give good gifts to My children, but My timing is perfect. Waiting will be to your benefit.”
As we have been studying Ruth as a church, we see that Ruth made a bold move to ask Boaz to marry her and take care of her, yet there wasn’t an immediate “yes" on his lips. There was a process and possibly a stop sign ahead, yet Naomi encouraged Ruth to be patient with the outcome.
We see that in the end, Ruth married Boaz and resulted in the bloodline that led to David, Son of Jesse. Trusting God in the waiting yielded great results for not only her, but to us all. This one instance was the result of the birth of Jesus, our true Redeemer.
Take heart! Our Redeemer hasn’t forgotten you nor is He quiet. Listen for Him in the silence and waiting. He’s there. He longs to speak. And He will show up at the right time to see you through all His hopes and dreams for you! Wait on the Lord and trust His process for you.
JOURNAL: What is one area in your life that you are currently having to wait on? How can you handle it patiently?
PRAYER: Father, I long for Your desires in my life over my own. Because of Jesus, I can put my trust in You and Your Word. Thank You for loving me and wanting what is best for me and my situation. My hope is in You completely. I pray Your will be done here, on Earth, as You see the big picture in Heaven. Amen
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1 Comment
Patience right now is to surrender. Letting go of what I want and the way I think things should happen. It's not my will to be done, but it is the will of Our Father to be done. Let go and Trust God to direct my way.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.