How to Change the World

“Oh what a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry,
Everything to God in prayer.
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!"
King David is well-known for his many public accomplishments: slaying a giant, ruling over Israel, writing most of the book of Psalms, reestablishing the order of worship, bringing the ark back to Jerusalem, and the list could go on. His life could be considered glamorous and inspirational, showing the rest of us how to live our lives for God. He was the hero we all desire to be. But one of the most impactful things that King David did wouldn’t even be considered an accomplishment and isn’t widely talked about.
Read: 1 Chronicles 1:22
David used every resource he had access to in order to set up his son to build a beautiful place for people to worship God for generations to come. His investment had an eternal impact on the world. While it carried great impact, David never saw the dream come to fruition. He simply invested and prepared out of faith and sacrifice for the next generation.
Personally, I am not the ruler of a large nation with tons of financial resources to prepare a place for the next generation. So how can I invest in something big in the next generation and give them a shoulder to stand on? The answer is not very flashy but it is simple.
We can pray.
“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” - Matthew 21:22 NIV
The prayers you pray are powerful. They can shift the course of future generations. The world isn’t in need of more people who are loud in voicing their opinions. The world is in need of people who are willing to get quiet with the Lord and intercede for His children. Investing in prayer is an eternal investment. We might not always get to see the fruit of our prayers in our lifetime, but we get to stand in faith that God will honor them because of what Matthew 21:22 says. What would happen if we all set aside time each week to specifically pray and intercede? I think it would change the world.
Journal: Who is God calling you to intercede or pray for?
Activation/Prayer: Set aside 5 minutes each day to pray for a specific person or group of people.
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry,
Everything to God in prayer.
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!"
King David is well-known for his many public accomplishments: slaying a giant, ruling over Israel, writing most of the book of Psalms, reestablishing the order of worship, bringing the ark back to Jerusalem, and the list could go on. His life could be considered glamorous and inspirational, showing the rest of us how to live our lives for God. He was the hero we all desire to be. But one of the most impactful things that King David did wouldn’t even be considered an accomplishment and isn’t widely talked about.
Read: 1 Chronicles 1:22
David used every resource he had access to in order to set up his son to build a beautiful place for people to worship God for generations to come. His investment had an eternal impact on the world. While it carried great impact, David never saw the dream come to fruition. He simply invested and prepared out of faith and sacrifice for the next generation.
Personally, I am not the ruler of a large nation with tons of financial resources to prepare a place for the next generation. So how can I invest in something big in the next generation and give them a shoulder to stand on? The answer is not very flashy but it is simple.
We can pray.
“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” - Matthew 21:22 NIV
The prayers you pray are powerful. They can shift the course of future generations. The world isn’t in need of more people who are loud in voicing their opinions. The world is in need of people who are willing to get quiet with the Lord and intercede for His children. Investing in prayer is an eternal investment. We might not always get to see the fruit of our prayers in our lifetime, but we get to stand in faith that God will honor them because of what Matthew 21:22 says. What would happen if we all set aside time each week to specifically pray and intercede? I think it would change the world.
Journal: Who is God calling you to intercede or pray for?
Activation/Prayer: Set aside 5 minutes each day to pray for a specific person or group of people.
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