Run to Jesus

So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. - Hebrews 4:16
Throughout the readings of First and Second Samuel and the Psalms of David, we see that David was a man after the heart of God, yet there were detours (murder, adultery, pride, etc.) that led him to places that caused pain and heartache, not only to him but to those around him. The one thing that I love about David was his humbleness when corrected by the Holy Spirit. David knew how to get off track for sure, but he also knew where to run when he had lost his way.
God’s presence was a place of comfort for David. From an early age, David knew how to go into God’s presence and take His presence with him as he journeyed. In God’s presence, David worshiped, spoke his truth, repented, interceded, prophesied, was forgiven, redeemed, and was reminded that he was loved and had purpose.
In Psalm 23:6 David writes, "Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever."
Proverbs 20:12 says, “Ears to hear and eyes to see are gifts from the Lord.”
As a parent of three adult children, my prayer for them has always been:
Just like David, I want them to run after the heart of God.
David knew who he was and whose he was. God’s presence was always a safe place in any circumstance for David.
Journal: Are there areas in your personal life that you are running from His presence instead of into His presence because of shame or guilt?
Prayer Prompt: Oh, sweet soul, if that is the case, run to Him boldly knowing He will welcome you with open arms, just as He did David. Ask God to speak to you and give you eyes to see His love for you and ears to hear all that He has to say to you. You are a child of the most High. There is nothing you could ever do to separate His love for you.
So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. - Romans 8:1
Throughout the readings of First and Second Samuel and the Psalms of David, we see that David was a man after the heart of God, yet there were detours (murder, adultery, pride, etc.) that led him to places that caused pain and heartache, not only to him but to those around him. The one thing that I love about David was his humbleness when corrected by the Holy Spirit. David knew how to get off track for sure, but he also knew where to run when he had lost his way.
God’s presence was a place of comfort for David. From an early age, David knew how to go into God’s presence and take His presence with him as he journeyed. In God’s presence, David worshiped, spoke his truth, repented, interceded, prophesied, was forgiven, redeemed, and was reminded that he was loved and had purpose.
In Psalm 23:6 David writes, "Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever."
Proverbs 20:12 says, “Ears to hear and eyes to see are gifts from the Lord.”
As a parent of three adult children, my prayer for them has always been:
- God, may they fall madly in love with You.
- God, may they love Your word and Your presence.
- God, may they have eyes to see and ears to hear Your voice.
- God, may they know there is nothing they could do to separate Your love for them.
Just like David, I want them to run after the heart of God.
David knew who he was and whose he was. God’s presence was always a safe place in any circumstance for David.
Journal: Are there areas in your personal life that you are running from His presence instead of into His presence because of shame or guilt?
Prayer Prompt: Oh, sweet soul, if that is the case, run to Him boldly knowing He will welcome you with open arms, just as He did David. Ask God to speak to you and give you eyes to see His love for you and ears to hear all that He has to say to you. You are a child of the most High. There is nothing you could ever do to separate His love for you.
So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. - Romans 8:1
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