Do It Afraid

“Transparency is sharing where I have been. Vulnerability is sharing where I am.”
Rebekah Lyons
One of the hardest battles we can face is in the mind. Some say it’s the devil’s playground and can send us to a seemingly bottomless pit. The pit can be a lonely place where our thought life can overwhelm us with lies of the enemy who wants nothing more than for the children of God to walk things out alone. He’s sneaky and deceives us into believing the things he says and cripples us with fear: the fear of rejection, the fear of being found out or shamed, the fear of our reality being known, the fear of not measuring up, the fear of not being loved and accepted. This list could go on and on.
Jesus says in John 10:10 that the thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the fullest.
We all have seasons of life that are on the mountain top and some that are in the valleys. I can remember a time in my life when I was in the lowest of valleys. My marriage was rocky. I was struggling with being the best mom I could be to my children and honestly questioning who I really was. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Jesus and walked in His ways, but I was at such a low point in my life that I felt there was no hope and was starting to believe what the enemy was telling me in my mind. I was literally tormented and felt alone. What would others think If I told them my thoughts? Would I be rejected? Would I still be loved?
Without going into all the details, I was able to be vulnerable to two safe people God had placed into my life. I was afraid, but I did it afraid. The results were freeing beyond anything I could have ever dreamed. What I was carrying alone, God allowed others to speak His Word over my life. They helped me expose the lies of the enemy and the truth of God’s Word.
Expressing all sides of yourself and allowing others to respond to them is the state of being vulnerable. It is frightening; yet with a trusted person, it can be the one thing that brings true freedom and healing to your soul.
My prayer for you today is that Holy Spirit would meet you in your quiet time, that His presence would give you peace in knowing who you are in Him, and that no matter how hard life may be, there is always hope. I pray that you are vulnerable to Him and if led, to a trusted friend, mentor, or Christian Counselor.
You may be afraid; but my friend, do it afraid. We were never meant to do life alone. Confession brings healing; healing brings freedom; and freedom brings true victory.
JOURNAL: Is there something you need to do even though you’re afraid?
Prayer: God, I love You, and I know that Your love for me is endless. Your love is unconditional, so I need to communicate out loud what is going on in my thought life. Would You meet me? Would You bring light to any lie that I am currently believing? Would You bring freedom and peace to these areas and show me the next step for total healing? You are for me, and I know that You are the source of true victory in my life. Amen
Rebekah Lyons
One of the hardest battles we can face is in the mind. Some say it’s the devil’s playground and can send us to a seemingly bottomless pit. The pit can be a lonely place where our thought life can overwhelm us with lies of the enemy who wants nothing more than for the children of God to walk things out alone. He’s sneaky and deceives us into believing the things he says and cripples us with fear: the fear of rejection, the fear of being found out or shamed, the fear of our reality being known, the fear of not measuring up, the fear of not being loved and accepted. This list could go on and on.
Jesus says in John 10:10 that the thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the fullest.
We all have seasons of life that are on the mountain top and some that are in the valleys. I can remember a time in my life when I was in the lowest of valleys. My marriage was rocky. I was struggling with being the best mom I could be to my children and honestly questioning who I really was. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Jesus and walked in His ways, but I was at such a low point in my life that I felt there was no hope and was starting to believe what the enemy was telling me in my mind. I was literally tormented and felt alone. What would others think If I told them my thoughts? Would I be rejected? Would I still be loved?
Without going into all the details, I was able to be vulnerable to two safe people God had placed into my life. I was afraid, but I did it afraid. The results were freeing beyond anything I could have ever dreamed. What I was carrying alone, God allowed others to speak His Word over my life. They helped me expose the lies of the enemy and the truth of God’s Word.
Expressing all sides of yourself and allowing others to respond to them is the state of being vulnerable. It is frightening; yet with a trusted person, it can be the one thing that brings true freedom and healing to your soul.
My prayer for you today is that Holy Spirit would meet you in your quiet time, that His presence would give you peace in knowing who you are in Him, and that no matter how hard life may be, there is always hope. I pray that you are vulnerable to Him and if led, to a trusted friend, mentor, or Christian Counselor.
You may be afraid; but my friend, do it afraid. We were never meant to do life alone. Confession brings healing; healing brings freedom; and freedom brings true victory.
JOURNAL: Is there something you need to do even though you’re afraid?
Prayer: God, I love You, and I know that Your love for me is endless. Your love is unconditional, so I need to communicate out loud what is going on in my thought life. Would You meet me? Would You bring light to any lie that I am currently believing? Would You bring freedom and peace to these areas and show me the next step for total healing? You are for me, and I know that You are the source of true victory in my life. Amen
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