Time for a Check-Up

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. - Romans 12:2 ESV
As we conclude our Emotional Health message series, it’s important that we sit back and assess what God has done in our lives throughout this journey. If you feel like you’ve been tested more than usual, you probably have. If you feel you’ve faced more emotional obstacles, there’s a good chance that’s true too. Remember, “by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Theodore Roosevelt said, “Nothing worth having comes easy.” And James 1:3 says, “for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” When we face friction, it strengthens our beliefs and our resolve. It forces us to face the problem head on and search for the truth. Take those trials and use them to fuel your faith and fortify your emotional health.
JOURNAL: Let’s take a quick emotional health assessment. These answers are just for you.
ACTIVATION: Whether it be weekly, monthly, or quarterly, set aside time to answer these questions and do an emotional health-check then adjust where needed!
PRAYER: God, You gave us emotions, and I’m so thankful You did! Please help me to take steps each day to live an emotionally healthy life so that I may be a blessing to those that You have so graciously put in my life and so that I can be all that You created me to be. Amen
As we conclude our Emotional Health message series, it’s important that we sit back and assess what God has done in our lives throughout this journey. If you feel like you’ve been tested more than usual, you probably have. If you feel you’ve faced more emotional obstacles, there’s a good chance that’s true too. Remember, “by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Theodore Roosevelt said, “Nothing worth having comes easy.” And James 1:3 says, “for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” When we face friction, it strengthens our beliefs and our resolve. It forces us to face the problem head on and search for the truth. Take those trials and use them to fuel your faith and fortify your emotional health.
JOURNAL: Let’s take a quick emotional health assessment. These answers are just for you.
- Do you spend time with God daily?
- Do you usually recognize what you are feeling or do you struggle with identifying what’s going on inside?
- Have you been to or do you currently see a counselor or therapist?
- How do you deal with stress?
- Do you have a sabbath each week?
- Is what others think about you highly important?
- Do you tend to over-schedule your time or take on more than you can handle?
- Do you have a hard time saying no?
- Do you take your worries to God in prayer?
- Do you tend to carry other people’s burdens?
- Are you self-aware?
- How do you see God? How do you think He sees you?
- What can you do differently to help you lead an emotionally healthy life?
ACTIVATION: Whether it be weekly, monthly, or quarterly, set aside time to answer these questions and do an emotional health-check then adjust where needed!
PRAYER: God, You gave us emotions, and I’m so thankful You did! Please help me to take steps each day to live an emotionally healthy life so that I may be a blessing to those that You have so graciously put in my life and so that I can be all that You created me to be. Amen
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