King of My Heart

The New Year usually brings about new beginnings, people making resolutions, clearing out the old, and bringing in the new. Back in high school, I made a resolution that I would never make another resolution again, and I have kept that. As I clean out the old, I find that I am attached to things…stuff, items that are difficult to get rid of because of emotional or financial attachment. It becomes difficult to just “toss something out.”
As Christians, we are called to be a light in the world and not of this world. In other words, being attached to things keeps us anchored to this world, when our real home is Heaven and in the presence of our Savior.
We see in Luke 18 that Jesus has a discussion with what is described as a rich young ruler. He asks the question, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” I find it interesting that he asks about inheriting something. He is rich and has many possessions, yet he asks a genuine question, wanting eternal life and even recognizes that it will be inherited and that Jesus is someone that can bequeath that to him. In the end, Jesus tells him to sell everything he has and follow Him. The ruler went away sad, not able to fulfill the thing Jesus asked of him because of the attachments he had to things.
It reminds me of a movie years ago where a man found out he had inherited a fortune, but there was only one catch. He had 30 days to spend $30 million; and at the end of the 30 days, he could not own anything. He literally had to spend himself broke with no recourse. At the end of the 30 days, if successful, he would inherit $300 million. By the end, he didn’t even want the money. He found that he was happy without it and that it was more about the people he impacted and the relationships he had.
What if Jesus was really trying to help the rich young ruler? Showing him that the inheritance he was looking for could not be bought, but was found relationally with God, The Father. The Father's heart is that you would not find attachment to things and items (definition of idol), but would find contentment and joy in the relationship you have with Him, and whatever He gives you is for you to steward until it is not in your hand anymore. It is when we try to hold on to it that we find there are still places in our hearts that have not surrendered everything to Him. I want to be free from worldly attachments, but I find that they are still there.
PRAYER: Father, You know my heart. You know the things that have a hold on me. I am asking you to refine me, refine my heart, clear out anything that displaces You, as the Lord of my life.
As Christians, we are called to be a light in the world and not of this world. In other words, being attached to things keeps us anchored to this world, when our real home is Heaven and in the presence of our Savior.
We see in Luke 18 that Jesus has a discussion with what is described as a rich young ruler. He asks the question, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” I find it interesting that he asks about inheriting something. He is rich and has many possessions, yet he asks a genuine question, wanting eternal life and even recognizes that it will be inherited and that Jesus is someone that can bequeath that to him. In the end, Jesus tells him to sell everything he has and follow Him. The ruler went away sad, not able to fulfill the thing Jesus asked of him because of the attachments he had to things.
It reminds me of a movie years ago where a man found out he had inherited a fortune, but there was only one catch. He had 30 days to spend $30 million; and at the end of the 30 days, he could not own anything. He literally had to spend himself broke with no recourse. At the end of the 30 days, if successful, he would inherit $300 million. By the end, he didn’t even want the money. He found that he was happy without it and that it was more about the people he impacted and the relationships he had.
What if Jesus was really trying to help the rich young ruler? Showing him that the inheritance he was looking for could not be bought, but was found relationally with God, The Father. The Father's heart is that you would not find attachment to things and items (definition of idol), but would find contentment and joy in the relationship you have with Him, and whatever He gives you is for you to steward until it is not in your hand anymore. It is when we try to hold on to it that we find there are still places in our hearts that have not surrendered everything to Him. I want to be free from worldly attachments, but I find that they are still there.
- What would I have a really difficult time with letting go of, if the Lord asked me?
- Can I develop a heart and mindset that I am only a steward of everything that I have, from time, talents, and money?
PRAYER: Father, You know my heart. You know the things that have a hold on me. I am asking you to refine me, refine my heart, clear out anything that displaces You, as the Lord of my life.
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