When God Asks You to Wait

“The best things come to those who wait.” You may have heard that phrase a time or two, and maybe you’ve even said it yourself. Parents just love to share this little nugget of wisdom to impatient children. While this isn’t a quote straight from the Bible, it still holds much truth.
In the message series “The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” we learn in Genesis 26 that there was famine in the land, and the Lord told Isaac to stay put even though all signs pointed to leaving. Who wouldn’t want to retreat from such a detrimental situation? But Isaac obeyed and God abundantly blessed him for doing so.
But Isaac isn’t the only story in the Bible where waiting led to the best things. There are many, many more.
Both Sarah and Hannah waited years and years before having children. They had all but given up hope when God blessed each one with a child. Sarah had Isaac, and Hannah had Samuel. Both grew up to be conduits of God’s perfect plan. (Genesis 12-21, 1 Samuel 1-2)
Moses wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Of all people, he would have reason to get impatient and find his own way home. But he patiently waited on God’s direction and led the Israelites out of Egypt when the timing was right. (Exodus)
Job suffered unfathomable loss and heartache, but his faith never wavered as he trusted and waited on God. As difficult as it must have been to stand still in the waiting, God blessed him for his faithfulness far more abundantly than before. (Job)
Esther was in a unique situation. She was elevated to a high position as queen as her people, the Jews, faced certain death. It would have been easy for her to rush in and use her position to demand they be saved, but God told her to wait. Obeying, she waited for the perfect time and was able to use her influence to save her people. (Esther)
And let's not forget Jacob. Poor Jacob arrived at his Uncle Laban's house and fell in love with his cousin Rachel. Laban made Jacob work for him 7 years to obtain Rachel's hand in marriage only to be tricked by his uncle into marrying her sister, Leah, at the end of it. Although he was permitted to marry Rachel soon after, he had to promise to work 7 more years for Laban in exchange. (Genesis 29)
JOURNAL: What are some other examples of those who waited in the Bible? Write their names down and explain how God blessed them for their obedience. What can you learn from each one of these stories?
The Bible is full of stories much like these. Imperfect people in difficult situations that seem impossible at the time. Our instinct would be to figure it out on our own. But God has shown us time and again the value in waiting on Him. These stories serve as a reminder that God is infinitely good. He wants nothing but the best for us in the end. The trials of our faith are but a drop in the ocean compared to the blessings He has in store for us. Cling to His promises. Rest in His grace. Determine to learn to wait on Him.
Job 23:11-12
My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside. I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.
Job 23:10
But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.
PRAYER: God, I don’t always understand why You allow me to go through the things I face, and sometimes my flesh wants to get through it my way. But I know that Your way and Your timing is always what’s best for me. Help me learn to wait on You. Amen
In the message series “The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” we learn in Genesis 26 that there was famine in the land, and the Lord told Isaac to stay put even though all signs pointed to leaving. Who wouldn’t want to retreat from such a detrimental situation? But Isaac obeyed and God abundantly blessed him for doing so.
But Isaac isn’t the only story in the Bible where waiting led to the best things. There are many, many more.
Both Sarah and Hannah waited years and years before having children. They had all but given up hope when God blessed each one with a child. Sarah had Isaac, and Hannah had Samuel. Both grew up to be conduits of God’s perfect plan. (Genesis 12-21, 1 Samuel 1-2)
Moses wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Of all people, he would have reason to get impatient and find his own way home. But he patiently waited on God’s direction and led the Israelites out of Egypt when the timing was right. (Exodus)
Job suffered unfathomable loss and heartache, but his faith never wavered as he trusted and waited on God. As difficult as it must have been to stand still in the waiting, God blessed him for his faithfulness far more abundantly than before. (Job)
Esther was in a unique situation. She was elevated to a high position as queen as her people, the Jews, faced certain death. It would have been easy for her to rush in and use her position to demand they be saved, but God told her to wait. Obeying, she waited for the perfect time and was able to use her influence to save her people. (Esther)
And let's not forget Jacob. Poor Jacob arrived at his Uncle Laban's house and fell in love with his cousin Rachel. Laban made Jacob work for him 7 years to obtain Rachel's hand in marriage only to be tricked by his uncle into marrying her sister, Leah, at the end of it. Although he was permitted to marry Rachel soon after, he had to promise to work 7 more years for Laban in exchange. (Genesis 29)
JOURNAL: What are some other examples of those who waited in the Bible? Write their names down and explain how God blessed them for their obedience. What can you learn from each one of these stories?
The Bible is full of stories much like these. Imperfect people in difficult situations that seem impossible at the time. Our instinct would be to figure it out on our own. But God has shown us time and again the value in waiting on Him. These stories serve as a reminder that God is infinitely good. He wants nothing but the best for us in the end. The trials of our faith are but a drop in the ocean compared to the blessings He has in store for us. Cling to His promises. Rest in His grace. Determine to learn to wait on Him.
Job 23:11-12
My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside. I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.
Job 23:10
But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.
PRAYER: God, I don’t always understand why You allow me to go through the things I face, and sometimes my flesh wants to get through it my way. But I know that Your way and Your timing is always what’s best for me. Help me learn to wait on You. Amen
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1 Comment
This devotion on waiting is actually perfect timing and just the reminder I needed!