Waiting for the Promise

So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. - Galatians 6:9 NLT
Galatians 6:9 is one of those verses that is much easier said than done. It’s easy to be obedient and faithful right after we receive a word or direction from God, but what happens when days of waiting turn into months or years? Are we confident enough in the God we serve to remain steady in the waiting or do we find ourselves withdrawing and questioning His motives towards us? Do we stand on His truth or do we grow weary in doing the right things? In a world that offers us almost anything we could need or want in an instant, we are not conditioned to be patient and lean into God’s timing.
READ: Genesis 25:19-26
Isaac was the son of Abraham, which meant he was a part of the promise that God gave Abraham to have many descendants. In verse 21, it says that Isaac, “pleaded with the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was unable to have children.” Isaac wasn’t just praying for his own fleshly desires to come true; he was praying to see God’s promises to come to fruition. He knew the promise was that Abraham (through Isaac) would have many descendants, and yet Isaac had no children. But instead of simply waiting to see the promise, he decided to take an active role in praying for Rebekah to have children. The Lord answered Isaac’s prayer at the age of 60 years old, and Isaac had married Rebekah at the age of 40! That’s a long time to wait to see God answer a prayer. Even though it took two decades, Isaac engaged in the process of God’s promise being fulfilled, and, in turn, it grew his and Rebekah’s faith!
When we are waiting for God-given dreams and promises to be fulfilled, it’s hard to just rest in the faithfulness of God and not strive to see the dream come to pass on our own. If there is a dream or promise that God has given you, set aside time each day to intercede for that promise. Find scripture that aligns with what God has spoken to you and speak it aloud every day as a reminder of His faithfulness.
Here are some examples of scriptures to declare:
Romans 15:13
Isaiah 41:10
1 Thessalonians 5:24
Matthew 7:7
2 Peter 3:9
Father, thank You for Your Word! It is full of examples of Your faithfulness and love for Your children. Help me keep my eyes on You even when I’m weary in the waiting. I know if You said it, I can stand firm on it. I ask that You fulfill the promise or dream that You gave me. When I get tired of waiting, remind me of what You have said. Thank You for Your voice and direction. I love You. Amen.
Galatians 6:9 is one of those verses that is much easier said than done. It’s easy to be obedient and faithful right after we receive a word or direction from God, but what happens when days of waiting turn into months or years? Are we confident enough in the God we serve to remain steady in the waiting or do we find ourselves withdrawing and questioning His motives towards us? Do we stand on His truth or do we grow weary in doing the right things? In a world that offers us almost anything we could need or want in an instant, we are not conditioned to be patient and lean into God’s timing.
READ: Genesis 25:19-26
Isaac was the son of Abraham, which meant he was a part of the promise that God gave Abraham to have many descendants. In verse 21, it says that Isaac, “pleaded with the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was unable to have children.” Isaac wasn’t just praying for his own fleshly desires to come true; he was praying to see God’s promises to come to fruition. He knew the promise was that Abraham (through Isaac) would have many descendants, and yet Isaac had no children. But instead of simply waiting to see the promise, he decided to take an active role in praying for Rebekah to have children. The Lord answered Isaac’s prayer at the age of 60 years old, and Isaac had married Rebekah at the age of 40! That’s a long time to wait to see God answer a prayer. Even though it took two decades, Isaac engaged in the process of God’s promise being fulfilled, and, in turn, it grew his and Rebekah’s faith!
When we are waiting for God-given dreams and promises to be fulfilled, it’s hard to just rest in the faithfulness of God and not strive to see the dream come to pass on our own. If there is a dream or promise that God has given you, set aside time each day to intercede for that promise. Find scripture that aligns with what God has spoken to you and speak it aloud every day as a reminder of His faithfulness.
Here are some examples of scriptures to declare:
Romans 15:13
Isaiah 41:10
1 Thessalonians 5:24
Matthew 7:7
2 Peter 3:9
Father, thank You for Your Word! It is full of examples of Your faithfulness and love for Your children. Help me keep my eyes on You even when I’m weary in the waiting. I know if You said it, I can stand firm on it. I ask that You fulfill the promise or dream that You gave me. When I get tired of waiting, remind me of what You have said. Thank You for Your voice and direction. I love You. Amen.
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1 Comment
In case you ever wondered if your Devotionals are touching anyone's heart... they do. For the past few weeks each devotional has been exactly what I needed to hear. I'm tired and weary and these are what have kept me going. Thank you.