Seeing Their Faith

I am always amazed when the Holy Spirit brings fresh revelation to a scripture I have read so many times. In Mark Chapter 2, Jesus is ministering to people in a house, and some men are trying to get their friend in to see Jesus. You see, their friend was paralyzed and the house was very crowded, so they were not able to get him inside the house to sit in the presence of Jesus. They had to figure something else out because their friend needed healing and Jesus was the only one who could heal him.
So while Jesus was speaking to the crowds, the friends went up on top of the roof and started tearing off pieces of the roof to open up a hole big enough to lower their friend down through it. The dust and debris falling into the house, not to mention the noise, had to make quite a commotion. I imagine it drew everyone’s attention to see what was happening on the roof. It was obvious that these men had hope that Jesus could heal their friend. As they lowered him down through the hole in the roof, Scripture tells us that Jesus, “seeing their faith,” spoke to the man.
Their faith, what they believed deep down about what was possible, was tied to their actions. They were fully convinced that their friend would be healed if they could only get him in front of Jesus! What moved Jesus at this moment was their faith, not just what they believed, but that they were convicted to put action to their hope.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. They hoped for their friend to be healed - not an “I wish” kind of hope, but a hope that causes one to act in a manner consistent with that belief. That’s why they took action to bring him before Jesus.
Faith is not just something I believe in my head. It is not just knowledge or understanding; it is a conviction of my heart and how I live my life. It is what governs my decision-making every day. The guys in Mark chapter 2 were convinced that they had to get their friend IN FRONT OF Jesus and nothing less would do. They were so convinced that they tore up a roof (knowing they would have to fix it later) to make that happen. Jesus, “seeing their faith,” took notice, forgave the man’s sins, and healed his paralysis.
How many of us are confident enough in the belief that Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life? How I live my life is a direct reflection of that conviction, not just that I believe it but that I am unswayed in aligning with ALL the principles of His Word. I don’t want to fall into the patterns of this world’s beliefs or mindsets but to be transformed by the renewing of my mind by the Holy Spirit so that I can know His good and pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12) for my life. God is who He says He is. His Holy Spirit is the exact representation of His character and nature. Through belief in Jesus Christ, He sends His Spirit to reside with us and lead us into all truth. Therefore, He is always leading us, but are we always following Him?
As a follower of Jesus Christ, I am led by His Holy Spirit. I yield my wants, my hopes, and my will to Him in exchange for His masterful guidance through this life. My life then becomes a living sacrifice to Him, where my faith is visible and my actions are in alignment with His heart. I desire that life for myself, my family, and for you all.
Frances of Assisi was quoted as saying, “Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary, use words”.
Listen, we are not defined by our works; we are defined by our faith, that which we believe is an unwavering truth. Our faith will cause us to act and make decisions based on how strongly we are convinced of that truth. The men who brought their friend to Jesus were persuaded in the depths of their hearts that Jesus was the only way their friend would be healed, and they did what was necessary to make that happen. Jesus, “seeing their faith,” was moved to offer forgiveness and healing to the man. Are we desperately convicted of God’s truths to the point of unrelenting action and possible messiness to see His Kingdom come and His will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven?
PRAYER: Father, You hold the keys of Life. You know me and every fiber of my being. You know all the areas of my life that are not properly yoked with Your Kingdom. I pray You would lead me into all truth and that I would relinquish the reins of my life to Your sovereign leading, that You and those around me would “see my faith.” Selah
So while Jesus was speaking to the crowds, the friends went up on top of the roof and started tearing off pieces of the roof to open up a hole big enough to lower their friend down through it. The dust and debris falling into the house, not to mention the noise, had to make quite a commotion. I imagine it drew everyone’s attention to see what was happening on the roof. It was obvious that these men had hope that Jesus could heal their friend. As they lowered him down through the hole in the roof, Scripture tells us that Jesus, “seeing their faith,” spoke to the man.
Their faith, what they believed deep down about what was possible, was tied to their actions. They were fully convinced that their friend would be healed if they could only get him in front of Jesus! What moved Jesus at this moment was their faith, not just what they believed, but that they were convicted to put action to their hope.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. They hoped for their friend to be healed - not an “I wish” kind of hope, but a hope that causes one to act in a manner consistent with that belief. That’s why they took action to bring him before Jesus.
Faith is not just something I believe in my head. It is not just knowledge or understanding; it is a conviction of my heart and how I live my life. It is what governs my decision-making every day. The guys in Mark chapter 2 were convinced that they had to get their friend IN FRONT OF Jesus and nothing less would do. They were so convinced that they tore up a roof (knowing they would have to fix it later) to make that happen. Jesus, “seeing their faith,” took notice, forgave the man’s sins, and healed his paralysis.
How many of us are confident enough in the belief that Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life? How I live my life is a direct reflection of that conviction, not just that I believe it but that I am unswayed in aligning with ALL the principles of His Word. I don’t want to fall into the patterns of this world’s beliefs or mindsets but to be transformed by the renewing of my mind by the Holy Spirit so that I can know His good and pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12) for my life. God is who He says He is. His Holy Spirit is the exact representation of His character and nature. Through belief in Jesus Christ, He sends His Spirit to reside with us and lead us into all truth. Therefore, He is always leading us, but are we always following Him?
As a follower of Jesus Christ, I am led by His Holy Spirit. I yield my wants, my hopes, and my will to Him in exchange for His masterful guidance through this life. My life then becomes a living sacrifice to Him, where my faith is visible and my actions are in alignment with His heart. I desire that life for myself, my family, and for you all.
Frances of Assisi was quoted as saying, “Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary, use words”.
Listen, we are not defined by our works; we are defined by our faith, that which we believe is an unwavering truth. Our faith will cause us to act and make decisions based on how strongly we are convinced of that truth. The men who brought their friend to Jesus were persuaded in the depths of their hearts that Jesus was the only way their friend would be healed, and they did what was necessary to make that happen. Jesus, “seeing their faith,” was moved to offer forgiveness and healing to the man. Are we desperately convicted of God’s truths to the point of unrelenting action and possible messiness to see His Kingdom come and His will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven?
PRAYER: Father, You hold the keys of Life. You know me and every fiber of my being. You know all the areas of my life that are not properly yoked with Your Kingdom. I pray You would lead me into all truth and that I would relinquish the reins of my life to Your sovereign leading, that You and those around me would “see my faith.” Selah
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