Walk with the Spirit

On the way to school each morning, I pray with my daughter over our day. One thing I pray is that we would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, that we would only say or do what the Holy Spirit would have us say or do. Maybe that sounds strange to you. Maybe you don’t often think of praying and inviting the Holy Spirit into your day. For us, it sets the tone for the next 24 hours. It reminds us that we only have this new day because of Jesus, and it is our daily conviction to represent HIM well.
Galatians 5:16-17 says, “So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.” (NIV)
When you were first saved, God gave you His Holy Spirit to dwell in you. To walk with the Holy Spirit means to yield to the control of the Holy Spirit, to purposefully take steps that please Him. So when I start my day by asking the Holy Spirit to fill me and guide my words and actions, I am intentionally saying, “Holy Spirit, I want you to walk with me through this day and guide all I do.”
I don’t know what you do for a living. Maybe you are a stay-at-home mom or dad, maybe you are a full-time student right now, maybe your job has you traveling daily, or maybe you lead a team of people every day. No matter what you are doing daily, you need the Holy Spirit. You need to be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit can do in and through your life that day.
Now, if you are anything like me, you are not a perfect person. I wish my daily prayer meant I never made one mistake. However, starting my day off acknowledging “whose” I am, a child of God filled with the Holy Spirit, centers my mind on the task at hand and walk with the Spirit. If I’m walking with the Spirit, I am wanting all the things that please the Spirit. It would be hard for me, after praying that prayer, to go yell at someone. Right? It should be. It would be hard to purposefully live in a sinful manner.
In John 16:5-15, Jesus told His disciples that He was going away and that the Advocate would come. The Advocate is the Holy Spirit. Jesus says the Holy Spirit will convict us of sin, guide us into all truth, tell us about the future, and will reveal to us whatever He receives from Jesus. I don’t know about you, but I want that. I want to know right from wrong. I want to walk in the truth of Jesus, and I definitely want to hear from Him.
I encourage you today and every day to ask the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts, words, and actions. It doesn’t mean your every day will be perfect, but it does keep conviction close, keeps your heart sensitive to what the Holy Spirit wants to tell you, as well as guides you into obedience in how you may be used to minister to someone that day. Don’t walk alone today. Walk in step with the Holy Spirit.
PRAYER: Jesus, thank You for the gift of another day. I pray that You will keep my heart sensitive to the leading of Your Holy Spirit today. Please lead, guide, and direct me in everything You would have me say or do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Galatians 5:16-17 says, “So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.” (NIV)
When you were first saved, God gave you His Holy Spirit to dwell in you. To walk with the Holy Spirit means to yield to the control of the Holy Spirit, to purposefully take steps that please Him. So when I start my day by asking the Holy Spirit to fill me and guide my words and actions, I am intentionally saying, “Holy Spirit, I want you to walk with me through this day and guide all I do.”
I don’t know what you do for a living. Maybe you are a stay-at-home mom or dad, maybe you are a full-time student right now, maybe your job has you traveling daily, or maybe you lead a team of people every day. No matter what you are doing daily, you need the Holy Spirit. You need to be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit can do in and through your life that day.
Now, if you are anything like me, you are not a perfect person. I wish my daily prayer meant I never made one mistake. However, starting my day off acknowledging “whose” I am, a child of God filled with the Holy Spirit, centers my mind on the task at hand and walk with the Spirit. If I’m walking with the Spirit, I am wanting all the things that please the Spirit. It would be hard for me, after praying that prayer, to go yell at someone. Right? It should be. It would be hard to purposefully live in a sinful manner.
In John 16:5-15, Jesus told His disciples that He was going away and that the Advocate would come. The Advocate is the Holy Spirit. Jesus says the Holy Spirit will convict us of sin, guide us into all truth, tell us about the future, and will reveal to us whatever He receives from Jesus. I don’t know about you, but I want that. I want to know right from wrong. I want to walk in the truth of Jesus, and I definitely want to hear from Him.
I encourage you today and every day to ask the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts, words, and actions. It doesn’t mean your every day will be perfect, but it does keep conviction close, keeps your heart sensitive to what the Holy Spirit wants to tell you, as well as guides you into obedience in how you may be used to minister to someone that day. Don’t walk alone today. Walk in step with the Holy Spirit.
PRAYER: Jesus, thank You for the gift of another day. I pray that You will keep my heart sensitive to the leading of Your Holy Spirit today. Please lead, guide, and direct me in everything You would have me say or do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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