The Hard Thing

Conflict is inevitable. It’s always there, prowling, ready to divide and destroy relationships. Whether at home with a spouse or kids, the workplace, church, nations, or with a close friend, it will rear its ugly head, and how we deal with it will always show the condition of our heart.
Jesus teaches us in His Word that Loving God is most important, as well as loving our neighbor. But then He moves on to even loving our enemies, praying for them, and doing good things to those that persecute us.
What an ultimate teacher Jesus is. He’s one that prepares His students for things that will come and actively demonstrates how to deal with them in action. I am a believer in the saying, “Things are better caught than taught.” In the Bible, we see the disciples witnessing Jesus loving all people, those that love Him back and others that didn’t. Jesus loved Lazerus, His dear friend, and weeps for him and his friends. We see Jesus love the lady that others wanted stoned due to adultery, but Jesus was kind and loving through the shame and asked those with stones to take a look inward at themselves. We see Jesus, who was being defended by His disciples, reattach an ear of a Roman Soldier that was coming to arrest Him. This man was literally His enemy. We also see Jesus ask God to forgive the ones that hated and mocked Him at the cross, for they didn’t know what they were actually doing. Over and over, we see Jesus demonstrate a love that we sometimes cannot understand.
Recently, I was faced with a situation with someone that I love but had offended in a tremendous way. Personally, I had reached out to make it right, but the other person wasn’t ready. I had hurt them, and it seemed that I couldn’t make it right. As small as our town is, in due time, we would eventually run into each other. As much as I wanted to run away, I ran to (figuratively speaking) the person. The enemy wants nothing more than for people to run and hide, but Jesus’ example teaches us to go towards conflict, to make things right the best way we can, to love no matter what you get in return, and to forgive even when others refuse to forgive you.
READ: Matthew 5:23-26
This is how I want you to conduct yourself in these matters. If you enter your place of worship and, about to make an offering, you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you, abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God.
“Or say you’re out on the street and an old enemy accosts you. Don’t lose a minute. Make the first move; make things right with him. After all, if you leave the first move to him, knowing his track record, you’re likely to end up in court, maybe even jail. If that happens, you won’t get out without a stiff fine.
My relationship with the other person wasn’t restored, but I must say that after being obedient, my peace was restored. There is something about doing the hard thing in obedience to Christ. He will always honor those that lay down their rights to follow his ways.
REFLECTION: As long as people live and breathe on this earth, there will be conflict. Is there someone that you are offended with? What is the offense? Are you angry? Bitter? Jealous?
Is there someone that is offended with you? Do you need to do the hard thing and initiate a conversation? Is there an apology that needs to be made?
PRAYER: Invite the Holy Spirit into your time of reflection. Don’t be afraid to unload on Him your hurt, pain, and frustrations. Being honest with Him will allow Him to gently come and guide you into His truth and His desire for you to move forward.
Remember, God is about loving our neighbor, lending forgiveness to those that hurt us, and a desire for restoration. It may not always be restoration of a relationship (we know sometimes that cannot happen), but it can be restoration of your heart and the peace He longs to give.
Don’t be afraid to do the hard thing! Go after it and enjoy the freedom and blessings from being obedient to Christ.
Jesus teaches us in His Word that Loving God is most important, as well as loving our neighbor. But then He moves on to even loving our enemies, praying for them, and doing good things to those that persecute us.
What an ultimate teacher Jesus is. He’s one that prepares His students for things that will come and actively demonstrates how to deal with them in action. I am a believer in the saying, “Things are better caught than taught.” In the Bible, we see the disciples witnessing Jesus loving all people, those that love Him back and others that didn’t. Jesus loved Lazerus, His dear friend, and weeps for him and his friends. We see Jesus love the lady that others wanted stoned due to adultery, but Jesus was kind and loving through the shame and asked those with stones to take a look inward at themselves. We see Jesus, who was being defended by His disciples, reattach an ear of a Roman Soldier that was coming to arrest Him. This man was literally His enemy. We also see Jesus ask God to forgive the ones that hated and mocked Him at the cross, for they didn’t know what they were actually doing. Over and over, we see Jesus demonstrate a love that we sometimes cannot understand.
Recently, I was faced with a situation with someone that I love but had offended in a tremendous way. Personally, I had reached out to make it right, but the other person wasn’t ready. I had hurt them, and it seemed that I couldn’t make it right. As small as our town is, in due time, we would eventually run into each other. As much as I wanted to run away, I ran to (figuratively speaking) the person. The enemy wants nothing more than for people to run and hide, but Jesus’ example teaches us to go towards conflict, to make things right the best way we can, to love no matter what you get in return, and to forgive even when others refuse to forgive you.
READ: Matthew 5:23-26
This is how I want you to conduct yourself in these matters. If you enter your place of worship and, about to make an offering, you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you, abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God.
“Or say you’re out on the street and an old enemy accosts you. Don’t lose a minute. Make the first move; make things right with him. After all, if you leave the first move to him, knowing his track record, you’re likely to end up in court, maybe even jail. If that happens, you won’t get out without a stiff fine.
My relationship with the other person wasn’t restored, but I must say that after being obedient, my peace was restored. There is something about doing the hard thing in obedience to Christ. He will always honor those that lay down their rights to follow his ways.
REFLECTION: As long as people live and breathe on this earth, there will be conflict. Is there someone that you are offended with? What is the offense? Are you angry? Bitter? Jealous?
Is there someone that is offended with you? Do you need to do the hard thing and initiate a conversation? Is there an apology that needs to be made?
PRAYER: Invite the Holy Spirit into your time of reflection. Don’t be afraid to unload on Him your hurt, pain, and frustrations. Being honest with Him will allow Him to gently come and guide you into His truth and His desire for you to move forward.
Remember, God is about loving our neighbor, lending forgiveness to those that hurt us, and a desire for restoration. It may not always be restoration of a relationship (we know sometimes that cannot happen), but it can be restoration of your heart and the peace He longs to give.
Don’t be afraid to do the hard thing! Go after it and enjoy the freedom and blessings from being obedient to Christ.
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