Trust Me, I've Got This

Trust is a weird thing. From the moment we are born, we are actually forced to trust. A baby has no choice but to trust. Their entire existence is dependent on others taking care of them. They must be fed, held, put to sleep, and changed, because they do not have the ability to do it themselves. As we grow, we begin to experience what it feels like to give trust to those around us. This does not happen overnight; but through time, trust is developed and given to our parents, friends, teachers, coaches, and even strangers. What started as a necessity through time develops into a gift that you are able to share with others.

Trust, however, can be dangerous. I’m sure many of you have put your trust in the wrong person or thing, and it has caused great pain. We hear constant stories of people trusting their boyfriends or girlfriends and sharing the most intimate personal parts of themselves, only to have their hearts broken. You may have had an experience with someone you thought was your friend, only to be used and manipulated. Every time you give your trust to someone, you are offering a piece of yourself; and if that trust is broken, you can never get that piece of yourself back.
Trust is necessary, though. From the beginning, the Bible communicates that we were not meant to do this life alone. Any time other people are involved, trust must take place. So how can we live freely when trusting others risks getting hurt? This is where the Holy Spirit comes in. We can trust others when, and only when, we first put our trust in God.

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33 NLT

This week, we have been challenged to trust, but it is not a trust built on this world. It is a trust built on God. You may be carrying with you the pain of broken trust. Maybe it is a friend, a boyfriend, or even a parent. That hurts. That is not fair. The promise of God is that when we put our trust in Him, He will never leave us or forsake us. His trust is never broken, and His trust allows us to confidently live a life for Him.

So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” - Deuteronomy 31:6 NLT

This may not be easy. Start small. Choose this morning to offer as much trust as you can to God. When you do, He promises to meet you there. There are greater things ahead of you than any you are leaving behind. God is working; will you trust Him? 
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1 Comment

Scott Conner - July 5th, 2024 at 6:16am

Outstanding series of devotions for OYC. I am sure the kids benefited from them. I know I did.