
Every summer, I’m home on break from teaching. For me, this is when life slows down, and I can pay more attention to things around the home. Because we are outside a lot during the summer, I am usually trying to make sure the landscaping looks “better.” I will admit, yard people, we are not. The desire is there, but often, the time or money is just not there to keep up with it until summer break.

From afar, I never notice how many weeds have grown through the paper, mulch, weed killer, etc.; but each summer, I always think, “Man, I’ve got to watch these beds more closely so I don’t have so much work to do to get them looking good.” I then start pulling the weeds, spend hours trimming the bushes and adding mulch, ALL the things that will surely keep weeds from growing AGAIN.  The result looks great, and I feel successful.

Then suddenly, only a week later, there’s a weed. After another week, there are more. This is normally when I say, “Weed killer doesn’t work!” I pull them and spray more weed killer, and it becomes a weekly battle. (Now, if you are a landscaper reading this, even shaking your head with a “Bless her heart” on your lips because you have the answer to weeding, let me know!) 🙂

Every year that I’m bent over, week after week, pulling the little weeds that threaten to take over my landscaping, I always think, “This will preach,” in so many ways. I know that to keep my landscaping looking manicured, I will absolutely have to work at it weekly, even pay attention to it in the “off-season.” I let the busyness of life keep me from looking out for what will eventually cause so much work, money, and time. I believe our spiritual life can also mimic this weeding.

As Christians, it’s easy to do the bare minimum to feel good about our walk with Christ. We go to church, feel empowered for the week, and then never act on what we know will produce not only the fruits of the Spirit in our lives but an intimate, powerful relationship with God. Without a relationship with God and a Spirit-filled DAILY walk, weeds will grow. What weeds? Mood, conflict, gossip, complaining, bitterness, resentment, anxiety, depression–ANYTHING that causes conflict between your spirit and your flesh. Those are weeds. If you are not treating those weeds daily, they will grow and spread. Like weeds growing in a garden, you can’t just spray them once and say, “I’m good for the summer!” They will come back without proper maintenance, a pick-up-your-cross daily type of maintenance.

What is spiritual maintenance? Well, you’re doing one of them right now. You chose to click on the Opendoor devotional, most likely because you are choosing to spend part of your day reading the Bible and hearing from God. Proverbs 4:20-22 (NLT) says, “My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don't lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.” Our spirit is strengthened and encouraged through the reading of the Bible. We must know what we truly believe, and we learn by reading the Bible on our own, not just in church.

Secondly, PRAY. You can’t have a relationship with someone you do not talk to. You can literally pray anywhere. This doesn’t have to be an hour-long talk in your closet, although those can be so necessary at times. This is a continual conversation with God all day. He knows your every thought already - speak it. Ask Him about your thoughts. Ask Him for help. Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NLT) says, "Never stop praying. So don’t. Have a continual conversation throughout the day with God."

Finally, get in community with people that seek a walk with God. Proverbs 13:20 (NIV) says, “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. You become like who you spend the most time around. Period. You are either built up or brought down by those you choose to be in fellowship with. 1 Corinthians 15:33 also warns us that bad company corrupts good character. We all need people who can uplift us in our walk with God. Do you have those people? Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10 (NLT) says, “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” Verse 12 goes on to say, “A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.”

Find your people. Ask God to put people in your life that can encourage you in your walk. Practically, if you don’t have those people in your life, look around at church. Can you serve somewhere in your church that will connect you with like minded people? Community is often found in serving. What about joining a Small Group? Or leading a Small Group? Community is essential for accountability and encouragement in our daily lives.

I truly believe that daily devotion in the Word, prayer, and community with other believers will help you with the weeds that seek to take root in your life.

ACTIVATION: Take a moment to read 2 Timothy 4:2-5 today. These verses talk about the importance of being prepared in and out of season just like we have to do with weeds in our gardens.

PRAYER: God, thank You for a brand new day. Thank You that You never leave us even when we leave You in the busyness of life. Help me keep You first today and every day. Show me who You are throughout my day. Remind me of the reason I meet with You and read Your Word daily. I want to be ready in every season for everything You have for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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Jessica Leggett - July 19th, 2024 at 7:15am

Wow! What a great read, thank you for sharing!

Jane Toor - July 19th, 2024 at 7:56am

Love this analogy to weeds in landscape! Thanks for this!

Colette Jagoda - July 19th, 2024 at 10:06am

Admit I don't always get a chance to read all of the devotionals that OpenDoor posts. Your post caught my attention this morning as I believe God is speaking and I'm so grateful for how you shared this word. My prayer is that I am more diligent to walk away from distractions, desires of the flesh, Little foxes that affect my relationship with the Lord. my desire is to spend more time in his word in the secret place and pursuing those divine relationships he has placed in my life. This brings such a peace and uproots the weeds of loneliness, deep grief, fear of failure, anxiety, and the like. Thank you for sharing Megan. I feel refreshed this morning that my garden is weeded and pleasing in the sight of the Lord! 🌸

Christy Hubbard - July 20th, 2024 at 8:02am

That will PREACH! Awesome devo! It started my morning just right!