Three in One and All We Need

As a teacher, I’ve heard the term “lifelong learner” numerous times. I love the idea of continually learning new information and being able to apply it to my life or to help others. At the beginning of the Prophets, Priests, and Kings series, I was eager to dive in and learn as much as I could about the named prophets, priests, and kings from the Bible. I am always amazed at how many complex subjects become simplified the more you learn.

In studying the roles and functions of these positions, I found that each role embodies leadership and service in relation to God and His people:

Prophets were chosen by God to deliver His message, reminding people of their covenant with Him and speaking God’s truth. They often had teaching and guiding roles. The Bible names more than 130 prophets, with true prophets committed to speaking God’s truth. Priests acted as mediators between God and the people, performing ceremonies and rituals and teaching the Law. Kings governed the nation, enforced laws, and led the people. Each of these roles was vital during biblical times.

As I studied the attributes of these roles and the individuals in the Bible, my thoughts kept returning to one name: Jesus. Jesus embodied all three roles in one. As a prophet, He proclaimed God’s Kingdom and revealed God’s will. As a priest, He offered Himself as the ultimate sacrifice for sin and intercedes for humanity. As the eternal King, He reigns over God’s Kingdom forever.

Ephesians 2:20 says, "And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone." The roles of prophets, priests, and kings were crucial to the foundation of the church; but Jesus is our cornerstone, fulfilling all three roles and providing all we will ever need.

I encourage you to be lifelong learners. Be inquisitive, curious, dig deeper, learn more, and apply what you learn to life. However, do not miss the simple answer: Jesus. Jesus taught with authority about the Kingdom of God, calling people to repentance and faith (Mark 1:14-15). He offered Himself as the perfect and final sacrifice for the sins of humanity (Hebrews 9:26-28). Jesus is seated at the right hand of God, ruling over all creation, and He will return to consummate His Kingdom, bringing justice and peace (Revelation 19:16, 21:1-4).

PRAYER: Lord, thank You! Thank You for the gift of Your precious Son, Jesus. Thank You for allowing Him to be the answer to all that we need. Help us to be lifelong learners and to never stop yearning for the knowledge that brings us closer to You. Thank you for Your Word, which provides insight into people like the prophet Moses, priest Aaron, and King David. Help us learn from their mistakes and triumphs and live our lives in a way that brings glory to You. In Jesus’ mighty name, I pray. Amen.
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