Shackled & Joyful

I’ve always admired the way Paul wrote to Philippi with such a thankful heart when he was imprisoned. He had a joy that I cannot imagine feeling if I were in his shoes, or shall I say shackles. I hope the writing below stirs your curiosity and challenges you to consider how you would feel in Paul’s position.
Grace and peace to you,
Thankful and joyful even in the storm.
Shackled but others’ chains are broken,
Hard hearts are softened.
The deaf can hear,
The dead come to life.
In the depth of the darkness,
Your light shines bright.
Partner with the One who is the light,
His promises are true.
He who began a good work will bring it to completion.
ACTIVATION: Read Philippians 1.
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, for challenging us to ask ourselves how we reflect You in hard times. Help us to continue to dig deep in Your Word to know You more and more each day. Remind us to forgive our enemies as You have forgiven us.
Grace and peace to you,
Thankful and joyful even in the storm.
Shackled but others’ chains are broken,
Hard hearts are softened.
The deaf can hear,
The dead come to life.
In the depth of the darkness,
Your light shines bright.
Partner with the One who is the light,
His promises are true.
He who began a good work will bring it to completion.
ACTIVATION: Read Philippians 1.
- How do you think Paul found joy when he was imprisoned?
- How do you find joy during a tough season?
- Do you pray for your enemies or want revenge?
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, for challenging us to ask ourselves how we reflect You in hard times. Help us to continue to dig deep in Your Word to know You more and more each day. Remind us to forgive our enemies as You have forgiven us.
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