Passing the Baton

I was reminded at our TFAC meeting this week that a part of my ministry at Opendoor is to lean into the lives of younger staff and volunteers to encourage and train them to take on a greater portion of the ministry of the Opendoor family. The image used to remind me was that of passing on the baton of ministry from one generation to another. Hold the baton until it is securely placed in the hands of others and then carefully release them to take on the further portion of the race.
Hebrews 11 is often referred to as the Hall of Fame of Faith. The writer reminds us of many who have persevered through all types of hardships to pass the baton of faith to the next generation. They are envisioned as part of that great cloud of witnesses in Hebrews 12, who watch as the generations to follow take the baton and keep running the race. They watch us from the grandstands of heaven.
Earlier this month was ”All Saints Day” on the liturgical calendar. Traditionally, it falls on November 1. It is the day that began the tradition of Halloween, which literally means All Hallow’s(Saints) Eve. "All Saints’ Day" is a day to reflect on those who have gone before us, impacting and encouraging our faith walk.
ACTIVATION: I want to challenge you to remember three people who have had a positive impact on your Christian walk. If they are still living, I challenge you to take the time to write them a note thanking them for helping pass the baton of faith on to you. I also want to challenge you to think of three people who the Lord has or will place in your path whose faith you can encourage and to whom you can pass the baton.
Let's keep the race going until the Lord calls us home and we can join the Apostle Paul in saying, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (II Timothy 4:7)
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the people You have placed in my life, who have helped me increase my faith. Open my eyes to those whom You would have me help.
Hebrews 11 is often referred to as the Hall of Fame of Faith. The writer reminds us of many who have persevered through all types of hardships to pass the baton of faith to the next generation. They are envisioned as part of that great cloud of witnesses in Hebrews 12, who watch as the generations to follow take the baton and keep running the race. They watch us from the grandstands of heaven.
Earlier this month was ”All Saints Day” on the liturgical calendar. Traditionally, it falls on November 1. It is the day that began the tradition of Halloween, which literally means All Hallow’s(Saints) Eve. "All Saints’ Day" is a day to reflect on those who have gone before us, impacting and encouraging our faith walk.
ACTIVATION: I want to challenge you to remember three people who have had a positive impact on your Christian walk. If they are still living, I challenge you to take the time to write them a note thanking them for helping pass the baton of faith on to you. I also want to challenge you to think of three people who the Lord has or will place in your path whose faith you can encourage and to whom you can pass the baton.
Let's keep the race going until the Lord calls us home and we can join the Apostle Paul in saying, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (II Timothy 4:7)
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the people You have placed in my life, who have helped me increase my faith. Open my eyes to those whom You would have me help.
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